The Best Bootcamp Exercises
- The push-up is one of the many no-frills exercises used during a boot camp workout.push ups image by Steve Lovegrove from
The concept of boot camp exercises are simple. Back to basics, no fluff calisthenics rotated through for a fast-paced workout with tons of variety. According to the American Council of Exercise (ACE), boot camp exercises rank among the top ways to burn calories and increase lung capacity. This isn't surprising when you consider that boot camp exercises require cycles of intervals of high and low intensity. It's that high and low alternation that burns calories says Dr. John Pocari, who conducted his own comparison of exercise routines with college students at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse in 1998. As with any fitness program, you should eat healthy, well-balanced meals for maximum results. If you're looking to feel the burn, there are a few exercises used by the ACE study from the Tracey Mallet DVD - The Method - Cardio Boot that you can rotate over a 40-minute period three times a week. - Crouch down on your feet as though you were preparing to run a race, using your hands for balance if necessary. While engaging your abdominal muscles, spring straight upward in a jumping motion with your hands in the air as though you were shooting a basketball. Return directly to crouching position after jumping and spring upward again. You should feel this working your hamstrings, quads and abs. Complete as many repetitions as you can in 60 seconds. Rotate this exercise through your routine as needed until your 40 minutes are complete.
- Start with your feet hip width apart and arms gently curled by your sides. Turn your knees slightly outward and bend your legs until your knees make a 45-degree angle. From this squat-plie position, lean slightly sideways on your left foot and kick your right leg to the side slowly. Use your core muscles for balance. Return your right leg to the squat-plie start position and repeat 10 times on each side for a single set. You should feel this working your glutes, quads, hamstrings and core. Cycle this exercise with the others throughout your 40-minute routine.
- Position your body into a plank by stationing your hands directly below your shoulders. Slowly lower yourself until your elbows form a forty-five degree angle. Return to the starting plank position. You will feel this working your biceps, shoulders and deltoid muscles. Repeat 10 times for a single set and cycle it into rotation with the other exercises for a 40-minute workout.