Law & Legal & Attorney Military

How to Thank a Veteran - Honoring Veterans Seven Different Ways

Studies show that people living in democratic nations are happier overall than people in countries with other forms of government.
When countries also achieve domestic peace, strong judicial systems that enforce the laws and a prosperous and educated middle class, citizens are not only happier, but more peaceful overall.
It is easy to take the gift of democracy, domestic peace, and relative prosperity for granted.
Yet our democratic freedoms and domestic peace are a precious gift in every sense of the word.
When we acknowledge that gift with true gratitude, we increase our own happiness even more.
According to Dr.
Robert Emmons, the emotional benefits of gratitude require more than just acknowledging the benefit of a gift.
Real gratitude includes the realization that someone sacrificed, or went out of their way, to provide us with something we did not completely earn ourselves.
When it comes to our freedom, literally millions of people we do not even know have sacrificed on our behalf- sometimes with their very lives- to bring us this gift.
You can thank a veteran for your happy life.
Here are seven ways you can express your gratitude for the gift of freedom, peace, prosperity and happiness by honoring veterans in the United States.
How to Thank a Veteran 1) Send a message The most requested item from the 250,000 US troops deployed overseas is a letter with words of encouragement and appreciation, even from a total stranger.
Write or email a service person today to express your appreciation today.
2) Send Care Packages There are several agencies that send care packages to soldiers in the field based on the things they need.
You can donate money, items, or your time.
Some of the most frequently requested items are snack foods, toiletries in small travel size bottles, and snack foods.
Be sure to read the instructions as there are items that can not be sent- like home baked goods or large size toiletries.
3) Welcome them When They Return When you see a soldier on the street, or in a plane, let them know you appreciate their efforts and you are glad to see them back home.
If you know a vet, let them talk about their experiences to show that you care about what happened to them.
Use a bumper sticker to show your support.
4) Hire a Vet Absences from tours of duty, injuries, disabilities, and perceptions about vets can all make it difficult for vets to go back to work.
The US Government has a job posting site where you can find veterans with the skills you need and where veterans can post their resumes.
Look here first when you have openings.
5) Help Them Get Back on their Feet Many vets need help recovering from wounds and war caused disabilities.
Post traumatic stress can also make it difficult for vets to readjust to our fast-paced and super-abundant world.
Sometimes a difficult transition back to civilian life starts a downward spiral that is difficult to reverse.
Show your gratitude, compassion, and understanding by giving veterans a break where ever you can.
They went the extra thousand miles for you, try to go an extra mile to help them now.
6) Help Care for them When they are Disabled Learning to cope with a disability is difficult.
Often it means changing the way you make a living and a life.
There are increased medical expenses and extra expenses to adapt living spaces for a productive and independent life.
There are many organizations that specialize in helping vets with this, perhaps the most active and effective being the Disabled American Veterans.
Not only can you donate time and money, but they run a chain of thrift stores.
Donate your gently used items and purchase used items at their stores.
Thank a veteran and save money and the environment all at the same time.
7) Help their Families While They are Away When our service men and women volunteer to help us as soldiers, they are also volunteering their families to do double duty to get the kids to school, support aging parents, and help in their communities.
If you know a military family, help them with the regular chores than can be so difficult when a spouse is gone- driving kids, doing errands, home repairs, mentoring kids or helping them with homework, or any other ordinary and time consuming task.
You can also donate time and money to organizations like the Red Cross that focus on helping military families.
Whether you donate your write a letter or card, donate your time, or money or all three...
Thank a Veteran for Your Happy Life.

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