Home & Garden Pest Control

Six Effective Ways to Kill Cockroaches

Roaches are disgusting and ugly looking bugs that only cause nuisance and shame, if present in the house.
They are hard insects with a tough shell.
Roaches can survive on minimal resources for very long periods.
In fact, they say roaches even survive a nuclear bomb blast! This proves how sturdy and hard they are.
Roaches are common bugs carrying germs that could be dangerous to human health.
They could cause asthma and allergies.
For this reason, it is necessary that we kill them and do not allow them to multiply.
Here are a few paragraphs that will help you in kill cockroaches.
1) Home recipe: The home recipe is a very simple technique that will help you in killing cockroaches.
Just mix equal quantities of sugar, flour and boric acid, and make knead-like dough.
Boric acid is a powder used to kill roaches.
You must make small balls from this and scatter in corners frequented by roaches.
The trick here is that the sugar attracts the bugs, the flour sticks them to the balls and the boric acid kills them.
This trick works very well and it will surely help you.
2) Spray the nest: Find out where the nests of the cockroaches are located.
Normally you will find them near moist areas and wet grounds.
Wherever you see maximum concentration, use a spray over them.
This is the strongest one you could get in the market.
Such roach killing sprays are very easily available in the market.
Once you destroy the cockroach nests, clean up the area very well using bleach and keep it dry.
This will ensure that these roaches do not multiply.
3) Boric Acid: Insert boric acid in cracks and crevices.
If you find any damp areas where there is a possibility of roach infestation, spray some boric acid.
Boric acid is a very effective way to kill cockroaches.
4) Bait: You get these special baits in the market to deal with roaches.
They contain a gel that attracts roaches to it.
It is in the form of roach food.
They eat up the food and take it to their nest as well.
Actually there is lethal poison mixed up that kills the bug as well as the others in its nest.
5) Insecticide: This is perhaps the simplest way to kill roaches.
You get these insecticides in the form of sprays in the market.
In addition, they are very effective.
It is worth to invest in them if your problem is serious.
You will only need to spray over the roach and it dies in no time.
However, if you are following this method, be very careful to keep such sprays away from the reach of children.
Also, ensure to follow all safety precautions mentioned on the product.
6) Soap water: This is one of the simplest ways to kill cockroaches.
If you see a roach and you do not have a spray at home to kill it, and you are too scared to use a broom, follow this simple way.
Take any soap and mix in water, even your liquid bath soap will work.
Mix this and quickly splash this solution on the bug.
Put enough to cover its abdomen and head.
If you do so the bug will suffocate and die as roaches breath through skin.

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