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Women Returning to the Workplace After Baby

Regardless of whether you return to work either three months or three weeks after the birth of your baby, you will need to approach your place of work with a positive attitude and good humor.
Often times, mothers returning to the workplace are plagued by guilt or depression when leaving their child to return to work.
However, returning to a day job may be the best medicine for lifting both mom and baby's spirits.
As new mothers, we feel it is our genetic duty to spend 24/7 with our new baby.
However, just as too much time with a good friend can be overwhelming so, too, can be too much time spent with baby.
No break for moms means an increase of anxiety and irritation which is then passed to your child.
A return to the workplace can be refreshing and the return home utterly delightful.
A baby who misses mom is a happy baby when mom returns.
Ideally a mom would rather stay at home and take a break by going to the health club or meeting friends but this may not be in your budget.
If it necessary to return to work, enjoy the positive aspects of the scenario.
Your time away from home will be your "me" time when the only interruption will be from other adults.
Cherish the moments you are able to sit at your desk and clearly focus on a project at hand.
Remember that this is the time to collect your thoughts and be productive in an entirely different way.
And, of course, a mom that misses baby is a very happy mom when she returns.
Should you return to work after the birth of your child, maintain a positive attitude.
The workplace can serve as a wonderful "home away from home" that will keep your spirit well-rounded.

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