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Skin Care Tips for a Healthy Glowing Skin

Good skin care is a must for a healthy and glowing skin, to prevent the signs of aging you need to follow the regular regimen and in this article let's discuss about it.

Always use sunscreen

Before setting out on a hot sunny day apply sunscreen lotion to the exposed parts of body completely and this will prevent dark tans appearing on the skin. Always buy a buy a sunscreen lotion with high SPF level and this would ensure that it provides maximum protection from UV rays.

Also it is good to stay indoors from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. when the sun's rays are the strongest. It would prevent dark tans from appearing on the skin.

Wash face twice a day

Dirt and grime gets collected in the face and it has to be removed periodically especially if you have an oily skin. Wash the face with lukewarm warm water so that you can stay fresh all day long.

 Keep hair clean

Most of the people do not maintain the cleanliness of the hair rather they give more importance to maintaining the facial beauty. Hair also plays a main role in enhancing the overall beauty of a person, so make sure to wash hair at least thrice a week with a good shampoo to remove all the dirt and grime.

 Drink plenty of water

Water is more powerful and is highly helpful to remove all the toxins from the body. Man needs to drink a minimum of 1.5 litres to 2 litres every day. It helps to get a naturally glowing face easily.

Scrub off the dead cells

Dead cells starts to get collected in the face in course of time and if they are not scrubbed off on a regular basis it can make your skin to look dull. Get a good scrubber like apricot scrub and remove all the dead cells from the skin. Naturally glowing skin can be easily achieved.Cosmetic surgeons at facial skin care Winston Salem offers tips to maintain a healthy skin.

Avoid alcohol and smoking

If you are a smoker or a person who takes alcohol regularly then you may lose beauty and natural lustre of the skin slowly. Drinking once in blue moon is not a problem but alcohol addicts and chain smokers have to keep a check. Stopping smoking increases the overall beauty and prevents aging of the skin.

Junk and oily foods

Another culprit is the junk foods and if you consume junk foods on a regular basis you will become obese in course of time. It can mar your look and make you to look ugly.

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