A Look at the Causes of Acne and Pimples
Pimples are a very common problem for people all over the world.
They can affect men or women and can strike at any age.
They are very similar to acne in the sense that they form when the pores on your skin become blocked or infected, and may even result from acne that becomes inflamed.
They are actually hormonal changes during puberty and usually occur on the face and are caused by inflamed and/or obstructed pores.
The forming of pimples is due to over activity of the sebaceous glands located at the base of the hair follicles, especially on the face, back, chest, and shoulders.
This usually occurs when blackheads or white heads become severe and are a visible and palpable hallmark of acne.
Although this is debatable, but people often say that pimples maybe the body's way of letting you know your body is full of junk food, oily food and sugar.
You should understand that pimples are not caused by the foods you eat (such as chocolate, soft drinks or greasy foods) or by dirt, and blackheads are caused by a pigment, not dirt.
And they are not at all dangerous and harmful but if left untreated they can affect your social life badly.
The best way to prevent acne from occurring is to regularly follow a daily skin care regimen to help your skin get rid of pores and unwanted dirt.
Pimples are a scourge.
They come suddenly during the night attacking us in our sleep and are the inflammation right at the surface of the skin and if it gets deeper it's a cyst and if the oil breaks through the surface, the result is a whitehead.
They are usually small, hard, red eminences of the skin, rising gradually and then disappearing after light suppuration.
Severe Acne Severe acne can mean hundreds of pimples that can cover the face, neck, chest, and back.
Or, it can be bigger, solid, red lumps that are painful (cysts).
And usually indicates the necessity of prescription medication to treat pimples.
Prescription medications used to treat acne include isotretinoin, which is a retinoid.
Treatment of Pimples The treatment of pimples may require a combination of medicines.
Treatment with topical antibiotics may be necessary and in more severe infestations steroids may be needed, but usually simple and unrelenting scalp hygiene will solve the problem.
Sometimes the doctor may prescribe an oral as well as a topical medication to eradicate scalp pimples caused by yeast infection and has proven to work with different acne types.
They can affect men or women and can strike at any age.
They are very similar to acne in the sense that they form when the pores on your skin become blocked or infected, and may even result from acne that becomes inflamed.
They are actually hormonal changes during puberty and usually occur on the face and are caused by inflamed and/or obstructed pores.
The forming of pimples is due to over activity of the sebaceous glands located at the base of the hair follicles, especially on the face, back, chest, and shoulders.
This usually occurs when blackheads or white heads become severe and are a visible and palpable hallmark of acne.
Although this is debatable, but people often say that pimples maybe the body's way of letting you know your body is full of junk food, oily food and sugar.
You should understand that pimples are not caused by the foods you eat (such as chocolate, soft drinks or greasy foods) or by dirt, and blackheads are caused by a pigment, not dirt.
And they are not at all dangerous and harmful but if left untreated they can affect your social life badly.
The best way to prevent acne from occurring is to regularly follow a daily skin care regimen to help your skin get rid of pores and unwanted dirt.
Pimples are a scourge.
They come suddenly during the night attacking us in our sleep and are the inflammation right at the surface of the skin and if it gets deeper it's a cyst and if the oil breaks through the surface, the result is a whitehead.
They are usually small, hard, red eminences of the skin, rising gradually and then disappearing after light suppuration.
Severe Acne Severe acne can mean hundreds of pimples that can cover the face, neck, chest, and back.
Or, it can be bigger, solid, red lumps that are painful (cysts).
And usually indicates the necessity of prescription medication to treat pimples.
Prescription medications used to treat acne include isotretinoin, which is a retinoid.
Treatment of Pimples The treatment of pimples may require a combination of medicines.
Treatment with topical antibiotics may be necessary and in more severe infestations steroids may be needed, but usually simple and unrelenting scalp hygiene will solve the problem.
Sometimes the doctor may prescribe an oral as well as a topical medication to eradicate scalp pimples caused by yeast infection and has proven to work with different acne types.