Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Build A Chicken Coop - Some Good Reasons Why

When someone decides to build a chicken coop and raise chickens, there are usually a number of reasons behind that decision.
For someone like myself, who grew up on a farm in Montana, it would be the sense of having a little bit of the farm experience again and bringing back some of the joys of my early years.
What are some other good reasons to build a chicken coop and raise chickens? 1.
Gaining the pride and satisfaction of building something on your own and doing it well.
There is not a better feeling in the world than to look out your window and see something that you built with your own hands.
Pursuing a hobby.
Aside from the obvious practical reasons for raising chickens, you might be the type of person who simply interest in chickens and love having them around.
They would looked upon more as pets than anything else.
The fact that they provide you some eggs is just a little icing on the cake.
Eggs and Poultry.
This can mean different things to different people and this will also determine the size of your hen house and your approach to raising the chickens.
If you are just looking for enough eggs to provide for your family, you will have a small scaled operation.
If you plan on having enough eggs to sell, then you are obviously looking at building a bigger coop and housing more hens.
For many people, the decision to raise chickens is part of a larger philosophy of living that is centered on self-reliance and personal responsibility.
You may be the type of person who values independence and being able survive on your own without any kind of government hand outs.
Building your own chicken coop, raising chickens and other farm animals, planting your own garden are all part of living this type of life.
Family Values.
Building a poultry house is an excellent family activity in which everyone in the family can be involved - even the real young ones.
Some see this project as a way to develop good work habits in their children, help them develop a sense of responsibility, and give them the opportunity to learn to work in harmony with others.
It can be a wonderful and worthwhile bonding experience for the whole family.
Whatever your reasons might be, building a chicken coop and raising chickens can be an extremely worthwhile endeavor.
There are numerous ways that it will bring joy and satisfaction into your life.
I encourage you to go ahead and do it.
I don't think you will regret it.

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