Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Farming With Chickens

It is hard to imagine a farm without chickens.
In my mind, chickens are a staple on any farm.
They are easy to take care of and offer much.
When you raise chickens you can plan on organic eggs and organic meat if you are careful with pesticides around the farm.
Chickens offer up their own fertilizer after they go about their business each day eating grass and weeds as well as insects.
If the chickens are allowed to free range around the farm they will keep the grass mowed and fertilized.
The chicken's eggs and meat, if they are fed organically, offer a higher level of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E which helps to lower the cholesterol content.
When the chickens are contented you will get plenty of eggs and when the time comes the meat will be good.
In order to keep them contented you will need to build a chicken coop for them as well as a run for when you're not there to protect them.
The coop will be their shelter and protection from predators for the night.
It will need to contain nesting boxes for laying eggs.
This is where their feeders and watering dishes should be kept.
Don't forget the perches where they will sleep at night.
Besides having enough of everything listed for your chickens you will also need to make sure there is enough room for each chicken so they do not fight for space.
Your chickens will be in and out of the coop all day eating, drinking and laying eggs so you must be sure there is plenty of light inside the coop.
If your coop is positioned correctly sunlight should suffice and you will not need to run electricity to the coop.
You should build windows into your coop to allow for ventilation inside but can be adjusted to prevent drafts.
The run is a fenced area built around the coop.
This should be built in such a way that your chickens will be protected from predators.
The fencing should be high enough to keep out the high jumpers.
It should be placed in the ground about a foot to keep out the tunnelers.
This should be sufficient during the day but it is a good idea to lock your chickens inside the coop at night since many of the predators are nocturnal.
You see keeping chickens on the farm is not all that hard and there are many pluses.
All you need to do is give them plenty of feed and water, a clean house and protection from the predators.

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