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Using Electrical Tape In An Unorthodoxed Way

Electrical tape works great for fixing wire flaws, nicks, and covering electrical connections like mechanical connectors.  If you've ever used a Burndy and applied rubber tape over the connection you'll know what I'm about to tell you. Have you ever tried to remove a rubber tape connection from a mechanical connector? What a mess!  Rubber tape has a sticky side, much like regular tape, but when it adheres in the heat, it makes it very difficult to be removed.

To aid in this removability, there is a simple, but effective way of allowing for removal of this connection covering if the day comes it must be removed.

You see, rubber tape gets wedged within the threads of the wire connector and encompasses it, making removal very difficult.  The messy glob of tape embeds itself in and around the connection and/or electrical wires. Try cutting that mess from these connections and you will soon see the problem.  Surely there must be a better way to allow for a great, safe connection covering without all of the mess!  If you don't already know, the answer is that there is a better way.  It is simple to do and will make your day if in fact you have to remove the tape later for repair or to remove the connection.  Let's look at a better way to cover this connection.

My method is to backwrap the connection first before applying the rubber tape.  The process is very simple and with a few tries, you'll be covering the connection in a way that will protect everyone from the danger while allowing for removal in the future.

To backwrap the connection simply get yourself some electrical tape and start pealing the end from the roll.  Apply the tape to the connection, but this application will be reverse from the normal way you apply it.  This application involves wrapping the the tape around the connection with the sticky side out, not down as usual. Hold the starting point of the tape against the connection and start wrapping.  Continue until the entire connection is covered.  With this, the slick part of the tape, non-sticky, is against the connector.  Apply the rubber tape next and then the regular tape again, only in the right direction this time. 

Because the slick side is against the connector and there is no sticky glue to hold it to the connection, it is easy cut off with a razor knife.  This way the connector stays clean, the threads don't have glue or rubber tape in the threads, and it looks like brand new, ready for use on another connection, saving you money in the long run.

This process of backwrapping is also a favorite of many electricians when pulling multiple wires. taping the wires together normally at the head of the pull makes for rough removal after the pull, but by backwrapping this point first, makes removal a breeze.

As most electricians will likely tell you, do yourself a favor and use a more expensive tape than the cheap stuff out there.  Ultimately, it is your choice, but use tape year after year and you'll find out I'm right about this one.  There is nothing worse than having a wire come loose while pulling wire in conduit.  It is really frustrating.  I hope this backwrapping tip makes your connection taping a breeze!

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