Baby Care-how To Reassure Each Other
If you both start out in the knowledge that these first few months can seem like hard work, you'll be able to reassure each other that you're coping extremely well. If you accept the validity of each other's feelings, for more detail go to: And hold on to the fact that any difficulties are temporary, you'll discover that parenthood really is as pleasurable as you expected.
The first few weeks with your baby are important in helping you get used to your new role as a father.
Support your partner. She will be very tired to start with as a result of going through labor and birth, and from the physical and emotional responsibility of breast feeding. Provide her with the time and space to meet your baby's nutritional needs, and reassure her constantly that she's doing a difficult job well your support can make all the difference.
Find time to help. If you're back at work, relish the opportunity to do as much as you can for your partner and your baby when you're at home.
Give your baby love. Babies need as much love as they can get, and there's no difference between the love of a father and a mother. If your baby is being breast fed, then obviously he'll need his mother when he's hungry, but at all other times he'll benefit just as much from your close ness and attention. This close ness from you will mean that your baby learns to be secure with both of you, which will help him to settle down and take the pressure off your partner.
Build a relationship with your baby from the start. Your own feelings as a parent will be strengthened if you spend as much time as possible with him. Being an equal partner in your baby's care will be rewarding and beneficial to you and to your family.
Your baby's first few months of life would be tiring for you even if you hadn't been through the rigors of labor and birth. Spoil your self and look out for your own needs.
Rest with your baby. Use the time when your baby is asleep to catch up on your own sleep. If he has his longest unbroken sleep in the morning, take advantage of it, or rest in the after noon when he does.
Share with your partner. If things are getting on top of you, he needs to know, for your sake and for your baby's Encourage him to care for the baby when he's at home, don't be over protective and try to do every thing your self.
Ask for help. If you're feeling isolated, don't struggle alone. Early offers of help may tail off because friends and family don't want to impose, but they will be glad to be asked.
Get out and about; being tied to the house can make you depressed, for more help visit to: so try to get out as much as possible. It's helpful if you have friends locally who are also at home with young babies. You'll probably have met Like minded parents at prenatal classes. Having other new parents around you means you can share the good times as well as the worries, and, as your baby grows, he'll have a ready made circle of friends to play with.
The first few weeks with your baby are important in helping you get used to your new role as a father.
Support your partner. She will be very tired to start with as a result of going through labor and birth, and from the physical and emotional responsibility of breast feeding. Provide her with the time and space to meet your baby's nutritional needs, and reassure her constantly that she's doing a difficult job well your support can make all the difference.
Find time to help. If you're back at work, relish the opportunity to do as much as you can for your partner and your baby when you're at home.
Give your baby love. Babies need as much love as they can get, and there's no difference between the love of a father and a mother. If your baby is being breast fed, then obviously he'll need his mother when he's hungry, but at all other times he'll benefit just as much from your close ness and attention. This close ness from you will mean that your baby learns to be secure with both of you, which will help him to settle down and take the pressure off your partner.
Build a relationship with your baby from the start. Your own feelings as a parent will be strengthened if you spend as much time as possible with him. Being an equal partner in your baby's care will be rewarding and beneficial to you and to your family.
Your baby's first few months of life would be tiring for you even if you hadn't been through the rigors of labor and birth. Spoil your self and look out for your own needs.
Rest with your baby. Use the time when your baby is asleep to catch up on your own sleep. If he has his longest unbroken sleep in the morning, take advantage of it, or rest in the after noon when he does.
Share with your partner. If things are getting on top of you, he needs to know, for your sake and for your baby's Encourage him to care for the baby when he's at home, don't be over protective and try to do every thing your self.
Ask for help. If you're feeling isolated, don't struggle alone. Early offers of help may tail off because friends and family don't want to impose, but they will be glad to be asked.
Get out and about; being tied to the house can make you depressed, for more help visit to: so try to get out as much as possible. It's helpful if you have friends locally who are also at home with young babies. You'll probably have met Like minded parents at prenatal classes. Having other new parents around you means you can share the good times as well as the worries, and, as your baby grows, he'll have a ready made circle of friends to play with.