Common Hypothyroidism Symptoms
Unlike many other diseases, hypothyroidism can be tough to diagnose, as there are so many different Hypothyroidism Symptoms.
The list of symptoms can be different for each and every person who is suffering from it, making it difficult for a doctor to realize you have hypothyroidism.
Some of the more common symptoms include: - Chronic fatigue and sluggishness - Feeling weaker than usually over an extended period of time - Rapid weight gain over a short period of time and the inability to lose the weight once it has been gained - A person's hair can suddenly go dry and coarse - Skin can dry up and there can be change in the texture of the skin (usually rougher) - The person becomes paler - Increased hair loss - A sudden sensitivity to the cold and cold places - An increase in muscle pain and cramps and constant muscle aches, especially when lying down - The inability to have regular bowel movements - Bouts of depression and sadness increased irritability and mood swings - Patches of memory loss - Abnormal or missing menstrual cycles over a period of months - Lower than usual sex drive or no sex drive at all.
One of the major problems when it comes to diagnosing hypothyroidism is that most patients won't have all of these symptoms, some may only have one or two, while others may have a dozen.
Also, many of the symptoms are also symptoms of other conditions that are totally unrelated to hypothyroidism.
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One of the best things you can do is if you feel you have a medical condition that needs to be looked into is keep a list of symptoms you are having, when they are occurring and what can help alleviate them.
This will help your doctor accurately make a proper and accurate diagnosis.
The number of the symptoms you are suffering from and how severe the symptoms are will relate directly to how severe your own case of hypothyroidism is.
One of the main problems with having hypothyroidism is that the body will try to compensate for the lack of thyroid hormone by triggering the pituitary gland to make more TSH, also know as thyroid stimulating hormone.
This hormone occurs naturally in the body and at normal levels it's fine, but when it over produced by the body, it can cause the formation of goiter, which can be a serious medical condition.
A goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid gland, which results in the swelling of the neck.
If you leave your hypothyroidism untreated, the related hypothyroidism symptoms will almost always get worse.
In rare cases, hypothyroidism, can lead to a host of very serious health problems such as coma, heart failure and serious depression that has been known to lead to suicide.
The list of symptoms can be different for each and every person who is suffering from it, making it difficult for a doctor to realize you have hypothyroidism.
Some of the more common symptoms include: - Chronic fatigue and sluggishness - Feeling weaker than usually over an extended period of time - Rapid weight gain over a short period of time and the inability to lose the weight once it has been gained - A person's hair can suddenly go dry and coarse - Skin can dry up and there can be change in the texture of the skin (usually rougher) - The person becomes paler - Increased hair loss - A sudden sensitivity to the cold and cold places - An increase in muscle pain and cramps and constant muscle aches, especially when lying down - The inability to have regular bowel movements - Bouts of depression and sadness increased irritability and mood swings - Patches of memory loss - Abnormal or missing menstrual cycles over a period of months - Lower than usual sex drive or no sex drive at all.
One of the major problems when it comes to diagnosing hypothyroidism is that most patients won't have all of these symptoms, some may only have one or two, while others may have a dozen.
Also, many of the symptoms are also symptoms of other conditions that are totally unrelated to hypothyroidism.
Continue reading to discover how you can sign up to the free hypothyroidism newsletter.
One of the best things you can do is if you feel you have a medical condition that needs to be looked into is keep a list of symptoms you are having, when they are occurring and what can help alleviate them.
This will help your doctor accurately make a proper and accurate diagnosis.
The number of the symptoms you are suffering from and how severe the symptoms are will relate directly to how severe your own case of hypothyroidism is.
One of the main problems with having hypothyroidism is that the body will try to compensate for the lack of thyroid hormone by triggering the pituitary gland to make more TSH, also know as thyroid stimulating hormone.
This hormone occurs naturally in the body and at normal levels it's fine, but when it over produced by the body, it can cause the formation of goiter, which can be a serious medical condition.
A goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid gland, which results in the swelling of the neck.
If you leave your hypothyroidism untreated, the related hypothyroidism symptoms will almost always get worse.
In rare cases, hypothyroidism, can lead to a host of very serious health problems such as coma, heart failure and serious depression that has been known to lead to suicide.