Health & Medical Health Care

Baking Soda is a "Wonder" Substance!

We all know that baking soda works as an antacid, but it also has multifarious other health uses: 1 - Pat on a paste of it with water for immediate relief from bee stings and itchy insect bites.
Let it dry on your skin and repeat if necessary.
Diluted vinegar works better for wasp stings.
2 - Stuffy nose? Fix it right up with a mixture of 1/4 teaspoon of this wonderful white stuff and 1 tablespoon of water.
Put a drop or two in each nostril.
3 - Chest congestion? A teaspoon of baking sody (what the "old folks" used to call it) in your vaporizer will help...
also helps keep the unit clean as well.
4 - Sore throat? Two different mixtures work.
For the first, melt an aspirin in 2 teaspoons of hot water; then add a level teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda (another name for it) and half a cup of hot water.
Gargle as needed.
The second gargle is to mix equal parts of baking soda, brown sugar, and salt in a glass of warm water.
5 - Vaginal itching? Try douching twice a day with 2 tablespoons sodium bicarbonate in a quart of warm water.
6 - Add a cup or even a box of this wonder substance to the bath to relieve burning sensations and inflammation common with urinary tract infections.
7 - Poison ivy? Soak in a warm bath with half cup of baking soda...
also helps itching from chickenpox...
or you can use wet baking soda compresses.
In general, baking soda helps many, many skin conditions.

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