Health & Medical Health Care

Screening As a Public Health Tool


    • In public health, screening is a tool used to identify potential for illnesses in healthy people who are at a higher risk for a certain disease or condition. In the case of diseases such as cancer, by the time symptoms appear, it can sometimes be too late, the disease is too advanced to treat or treatment is more harmful and invasive.


    • Screenings are disease-specific. The most well-known types of screening are cancer screenings. One of the most successful campaigns to call for early screening is the breast cancer awareness movement, which called for self-breast examinations and annual mammograms for some women. These are now standard for most doctors. Other types of screening include diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, glaucoma and stroke.

    How it Works

    • Some populations are more susceptible to certain diseases, such as glaucoma. Those with a family history of glaucoma, high blood pressure and diabetes are more likely to get glaucoma than someone who doesn't fit the descriptors. Screening identifies people who fit a demographic that is at-risk, and then testing, monitoring and treatment might take place to prevent them from getting the disease or to diagnose it early.


    • Due to awareness campaigns, some diseases and conditions are screened earlier and more successfully. Colon cancer and prostate cancer screenings have received attention for early detection. Certain populations are screened less often, particularly those in low-income areas.


    • Screening is not a guarantee that doctors will catch a disease early enough to intervene. But screening gives patients more information about their health and potential condition, prompting healthy lifestyle changes. Screening is not available to all. Some low-income areas still lack screening and information on preventive care.

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