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Copywriting Tips - How To Prevent Prospects From Procrastinating

This is one of the biggest problems that you're going to have with prospects who view your sales letter.
They're going to read it, even think that it sounds good, but then they say to themselves, "Yeah, but I don't really need this now.
" And then off they go.
Well, there are a few things you can do to help prevent your prospects from doing this very thing.
This article will fill you in on the details.
One of the most effective ways to get your prospect off the pot, so to speak, is to make the offer one that is time sensitive.
In other words, let's say you launch your product on January 1.
You might say something on your sales page like, "This offer is only good until January 3.
" Now, if somebody really wants this product and doesn't want to miss out on whatever your offer is, for the fear that he may have to pay more for it later, this may just be enough to get him to dig into his wallet that day and make the purchase.
Time pressure works wonders.
Another effective way to keep your prospect from walking away from your offer is to offer bonuses that are also only going to be good for a certain length of time.
I remember personally that I purchased some Photoshop action scripts that came with some great bonuses.
The bonuses were for a very limited time and I didn't want to miss out on them.
Even though I wasn't quite ready to get up and running with Photoshop yet, I knew I didn't want to lose the bonuses, so I got the scripts knowing that someday I would use them.
Finally, you can offer an amazing guarantee for a limited time.
Let's say your normal guarantee is 60 days.
You could offer your prospect a guarantee of six months for a limited time.
Now, if somebody was concerned about not being pleased with a product and didn't think the guarantee period was long enough to really judge the product, they might be hesitant to purchase.
But if you offer a drop dead guarantee, but only for a limited time, in many cases, this will push them over the edge.
It all comes down to making the prospect realize that if they don't act NOW, they are going to lose out.
Fear of loss is one of the greatest motivators to get people to buy.
Want to get your hands on more great copywriting tips? Check out the site in my signature.
You'll become a top notch copywriter in no time flat.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim

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