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Key to Get Back Together With Ex - Listen To Him

Tanya was crushed. She desperately wanted to get back together with ex [] boyfriend, Chad. He recently told Tanya that while he still cared for her, he wanted some "space". That meant that he wanted the freedom to date other girls.

What should Tanya do now to get back together with ex boyfriend Chad? Some think she should call him and text him. Should she hang out where he does and flirt with his friends? Or maybe she should ignore him completely?

I'm afraid any of those things could ruin her chances of getting him back. Instead, she should listen to him.

What he said is that he still loves her but that he needs space. That's quite common. Perhaps the phrase is a little over used, but the truth is that many times when people use this line they mean exactly that.

Sometimes a relationship just gets ahead of one or the other involved. Perhaps they just don't feel ready for the responsibilities that go along with a relationship.

Do not confuse that to mean a lack of love for their ex. In truth, they may love him or her a bit too much and just want to slow down.

Since this seems to be the case, let's take a look at what bad things can happen if Tanya handles this poorly.

Just think, what is Chad's response going to be if he asks for space and then gets an endless stream of calls, emails and texts? Let him get his head on straight girl and give him a chance to come back to you.

One of Tanya's friends suggested that Chad seeing her flirting with his friends will spark some jealousy and that would help her to get back together with her ex. This is a common recommendation because it is assumed that men will want what other men have.

Playing these kinds of games now, though, would jeopardize for Tanya any relationship with Chad in the future. There is also a strong likelihood that Chad would just get mad at Tanya and reduce her chances with him even more.

Tanya also considered just ignoring him altogether. She was hurt by Chad and she wanted to punish him in return.

If instead, Chad sees her as being open, receptive, but not too pushy when they do see each other in social settings, he will be attracted to her. He will see her as a wonderful person and the girl he wants to be with. She is putting her best foot forward as they say.

You, just like Tanya in our story, have a number of options if you want to get back together with your ex. The best option is simply to listen to him. He has stated what he needs; space. So give it to him.

This will give him the opportunity to decide whether to get back together.

It is my guess that Chad will come back to Tanya and he will be ready to take the relationship to the next level. If Tanya (or you) plays the cards right, it will result in a stronger relationship overall.

Now it is time for you to find how to get back together with ex at our website where countless others have already turned for help and found it.

The web address for relationship advice is Head there right now and we will show you how to get him back.

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