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The Threefold RE of Expression

It keeps on amazing me first how one's expREssion gives potent hints on the consciousness that is lived in and second how English and Hebrew are connected in meaning...
Here is what I mean: consider Gertrude (just a name!) who punctuates every other sentence with the words "I guess...
" Well, dearest Gertrude, what does it imply that you would be going through life "guessing"? Would your heART's expression, your true Self, benefit from your coming into more clarity, and more to the point, into more of a pronouncement? Would you construct a different reality if you were to substitute another phrase to your habitual "I guess?" Speaking of pronouncement, and REflecting on our subject matter, here are REvealed the thREefold RE of expREssion: REply REaction REsponse Contemplate the scenario: someone asks you a question, like "do you like the color pink?" You may: REply: "Not particularly: I can do without it!" REact: "I am not a baby anymore, am I?" REspond: "Honeybee, I would LOVE for the bridesmaids to wear pink!" Notice the difference in emotional involvement...
More importantly, notice WHO is the answerer...
Is it the ego or is it the heART? Is it a personality lie (well, darling, your REacting does not speak of your maturity now, does it?) or is it a soul truth (it is my LOVE, my pleasure to see you so hapPINK!) Thus the meanings that have been outlined in understanding the very loaded, feared, resisted "REsponsibility" as "REsponse-ability...
" or the ability to REspond...
from the heART! Amazing REvealing words, aren't they? On that note (do, RE, mi, fa...
), you may enjoy REalizing the official (guessing) definition given by the dictionary on the meaning of REspond! Forwarding/Sharing Unless noted otherwise, all material is written and edited by Mahalene Louis, Copyright (c) Soulvision Axis, Inc.
(r) 2003.
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