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Susan Boyle"s honest thoughts about loneliness.

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Today's Quote:

Susan Boyle

I often say how lonely I am… You feel it sometimes at night. You just hope the job that you've got wins you new friends and maybe one day that vital person. (Source)

Today's Inspiring Thought: Never Lose Hope for Good Friends

If you've never experienced loneliness, you might have a hard time really understanding how devastating it can be.

It's not simply that you are without friends or that you are alone for a short time, you feel instead as if hope has been snatched away and you're doomed to live a life without meaningful connections.

The reality is that loneliness is temporary, but it feels very permanent. What's more, if you let loneliness rule your mind and heart you will feel as if making new friends simply isn't worth it.

But never, ever, think that. It's tough, but meeting new people and forging friendships is always worth the effort, no matter how long those friends happen to stay in your life.

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