Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Detecting the First Signs of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is considered to be the most prevalent type of diagnosed cancer each year and is among the easiest cancer to be detected if and when self-examination is done.
It is said that prevention is better than cure.
And so, try to inspect your skin at least twice a month for any unusualities and or early signs of skin cancer.
You can perform self-examination easily for skin problems or cancer.
During the first self-examination, taking the process a bit slower may help you inspect the skin thoroughly and notice all various characteristics of the skin.
Thus, you will also be oriented to any unsualities the next time you do another self examination.
Upon doing the examination, see to it that you are situated in a well lighted area.
Thus, a full length mirror is also important because there are areas on your skin that are hard to be seen by your eyes.
Therefore, make use of a mirror to aid in the process.
In doing a self skin examination, start first on your face.
After doing so, continue with the examination downwards.
Do it systematically.
Seek help from close friends or relation to help you in areas hard enough to see or reach out, say for example in the lumbar area.
If and when nobody is there to accompany and help you out, then as mentioned earlier, make use of a mirror.
Notice for any size and color changes of skin areas including moles.
Be aware and familiarize yourself from the characteristics of a skin cancer and how they look like.
You can search over the web on detailed descriptions about skin cancer types.
If ever you find any suspicious or unusualities on your skin, then better yet seek medical attention or consult for proper diagnosis.
Additionally, for fairly skinned individuals, applying sun lotion or just covering your skin from UV exposure can help prevent skin cancer.

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