Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Scrapie in Sheep - Identify, Quarantine, and Eradicate

Scrapie is a fatal disease that is found in Sheep and Goats, which attacks the nervous system of these animals.
Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), which is related to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease).
Scrapie has been around and known since the early 1700's, and like BSE, is not transmittable to humans.
Scrapie gets its name from the term scrapping, which is what sheep and goat do, when they are infected with the fatal disease.
Scrapie causes an irritating itching sensation to sheep and goat, so they are constantly scrape themselves against whatever they can, which could be rocks, fences, or anything that is sharp, causing them to constantly scrape themselves, till their wool is completely removed from them, and exposing their raw and tender skin.
Other known symptoms of scrapie are excessive lip smacking, altered gaits, and convulsive collapse.
Scrapie is an infectious, incurable, and transmittable disease among other animals in the flock.
It is extremely important to the sheep and goat producers, to watch and monitor their flocks for scrapie.
Once an animal is infected with scrapie, the animal must be identified, quarantined immediately, and eventually destroyed.
There is no other alternative at the present time.
Although we know Scrapie has been around for a long time, it is still unknown how it originates or how it transmits itself among other animals, and through the flock.
One of the mysteries of scarpie's is it could show up in an animal of the flock spontaneously, even in a flock where an outbreak had never existed.
Research is ongoing on how scrapie's is transmitted among the animals; some of the tests revealed it is possible for ewe's to contract Scrapie from milk of an infected mother sheep or goat.
Scrapie in the Sheep and Goat industry is much like BSE is to the cattle industry, it is fatal and can destroy an entire flock, if not dealt with immediately.
Eradicating Scrapie from flocks is high priority among most countries that produce livestock of sheep and goat for export.
Countries such as Canada have in place a National Scrapie Surveillance Program, and Voluntary Scrapie Flock Certification Program (VSFCP), in an effort to eradicate scrapie from Canadian sheep flocks.
The most important aspect to all livestock producers of sheep and goat is to eradicate scrapie from the flock.
Producers worldwide have one main objective and that is scrapie in Sheep, to Identify, Quarantine, and Eradicate the disease.

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