Family & Relationships Conflict

How Do I Win My Ex Back - 5 Ways to Speed Up Your Make Up

Relationships are so vital to our existence that when we go through a break up and we find ourselves asking, "how do I win my ex back" it can feel like our whole world is collapsing.
You want nothing more than to get back together and speed up the making up process.
This article shares with you 5 ways to do that.
Be strong but not demanding.
You want to avoid swinging between extremes of looking desperate or too demanding.
You want to come across to your ex as someone who is strong and who can handle a difficult situation.
Being needy or too demanding will push your ex farther away.
Create a little space.
You don't want to smother your ex by calling constantly or text messaging to excess.
Create a little space which will give your ex time to clear their head and remember the good things about the relationship.
Avoid excess contact with their friends and family.
This can be uncomfortable to your ex and put added pressure on them which makes them want to push away harder.
Be flexible.
This is a time for give and take, do not simply do everything your ex wants but be flexible so communication can get a foot hold again.
Be yourself.
Your ex was attracted to you originally because they liked who you are, do not try to change or promise you will change, simply be the genuine person you are and your ex will be reminded of that original attraction.
No one wants to have to face the question of "how do I win my ex back".
It is a painful situation but by doing the right things, staying strong, creating a little space, avoiding excess contact, being flexible and simply being yourself you will reopen communication and speed up the making up process.

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