3 Sure Fire Steps to Get Your Ex Back
Tonight, as I am writing this, my wife of 24 years is baking me a fresh batch of oatmeal cookies.
She's so good to me.
It's a big change from the years prior when I couldn't keep a girl friend for more than six months.
I suffered through more breakups than Carter has liver pills.
So trust me, what I am about to share with you in this article is what I have learned from a lot of painful experience.
Today, I may be happily married, but it wasn't always like that for me.
Okay, so you're ex broke up with you and you're looking to get back together with them.
No problem.
Step one is to assess the situation.
I know, I'm making this sound like a battle plan.
It is.
Mending a relationship is like fighting a war.
In your case, the winning of the war involves getting your ex back.
To do that, assessing the situation means understanding what the heck went wrong in the first place.
Nine times out of ten, it ISN'T what you think.
For example.
One relationship of mine, that ended in disaster, I thought was because my girlfriend didn't like the way I dressed.
I wasn't the most fashionable dresser.
Well, it turned out, when I finally confronted her, that the reason she broke up with me was because I was so needy.
She wanted somebody more independent.
So trust me, it's never what you think.
So sit down and really try to understand what went wrong.
After you've done that, the next step is to map out your strategy to actually get your ex back.
The first part of that strategy is a bit covert.
You need to be a little sneaky.
What I recommend is making yourself highly visible out in public.
Go shopping.
Go dating.
Most importantly, let your ex know that you've gone on with your life without them.
You DON'T want to appear needy.
This is very important for psychological reasons that are way too complicated to try to explain here.
Trust me, your ex will be fuming when they see how happy you "appear" to be.
Finally, after some time has elapsed, call your ex to see how they're doing.
Casually bring up maybe meeting for lunch or a snack just to talk.
Trust me, at this point, your ex will do anything to see you.
When you do get together, lay your cards out on the table.
Remember the step about assessing the situation? This is where it comes into play.
You say to your ex, "Look I understand why we broke up.
" And then you go into the explanation.
Tell them you're sorry.
Admit your mistakes.
And then...
ask for another chance.
Your ex will be so taken back by this approach that more often than not, they'll agree to give things a second chance.
Should this near fool proof plan not work, don't panic.
There is a great book that I recently ran across that I've reviewed in my signature.
I think you'll find it most helpful.
If you want to get your ex back, all you need is a solid plan.
This one should do it.
To YOUR Relationship Success, Martin J Waterson
She's so good to me.
It's a big change from the years prior when I couldn't keep a girl friend for more than six months.
I suffered through more breakups than Carter has liver pills.
So trust me, what I am about to share with you in this article is what I have learned from a lot of painful experience.
Today, I may be happily married, but it wasn't always like that for me.
Okay, so you're ex broke up with you and you're looking to get back together with them.
No problem.
Step one is to assess the situation.
I know, I'm making this sound like a battle plan.
It is.
Mending a relationship is like fighting a war.
In your case, the winning of the war involves getting your ex back.
To do that, assessing the situation means understanding what the heck went wrong in the first place.
Nine times out of ten, it ISN'T what you think.
For example.
One relationship of mine, that ended in disaster, I thought was because my girlfriend didn't like the way I dressed.
I wasn't the most fashionable dresser.
Well, it turned out, when I finally confronted her, that the reason she broke up with me was because I was so needy.
She wanted somebody more independent.
So trust me, it's never what you think.
So sit down and really try to understand what went wrong.
After you've done that, the next step is to map out your strategy to actually get your ex back.
The first part of that strategy is a bit covert.
You need to be a little sneaky.
What I recommend is making yourself highly visible out in public.
Go shopping.
Go dating.
Most importantly, let your ex know that you've gone on with your life without them.
You DON'T want to appear needy.
This is very important for psychological reasons that are way too complicated to try to explain here.
Trust me, your ex will be fuming when they see how happy you "appear" to be.
Finally, after some time has elapsed, call your ex to see how they're doing.
Casually bring up maybe meeting for lunch or a snack just to talk.
Trust me, at this point, your ex will do anything to see you.
When you do get together, lay your cards out on the table.
Remember the step about assessing the situation? This is where it comes into play.
You say to your ex, "Look I understand why we broke up.
" And then you go into the explanation.
Tell them you're sorry.
Admit your mistakes.
And then...
ask for another chance.
Your ex will be so taken back by this approach that more often than not, they'll agree to give things a second chance.
Should this near fool proof plan not work, don't panic.
There is a great book that I recently ran across that I've reviewed in my signature.
I think you'll find it most helpful.
If you want to get your ex back, all you need is a solid plan.
This one should do it.
To YOUR Relationship Success, Martin J Waterson