Business & Finance Loans

Finding a Federal Small Business Grant

Grants from the Federal government are given only to non-profit organizations and those that are set up as educational institutions.
You may be able to find grants available at the state or local level.
Obviously these will differ from one area to the next and you will need to look into what grants are available.
If you have not already started your business, you may consider the nature of the business as certain industries are favored.
These would include things like child care, green technology or tourism.
Even though you will not be able to find a Federal small business grant, you can often get a grant at the state level that will be dependent on you matching the amount of capital that they put up or somehow securing a loan to obtain the rest of the capital.
Many places will advertise that there are millions of dollars available in the form of many kinds of Federal small business grant.
Whenever something sounds too good to be true, it likely is.
This is the case here.
Money rarely comes for free, and even when you get a grant at the state level there are usually many stipulations that you will need to adhere to.
Something that you should look into is getting backing from the Federal or state government for a low interest loan.
They may provide this support or venture capital financing assistance so that you can get your small business up and running.
It may not be as enticing as a Federal grant but it may still allow you to get your business started and that is really the most important thing.
You should check with the Small Business Administration to see what is available for you and it would not hurt to talk to other small business owners who have recently been in the same situation that you are now.
It may help you to avoid people that are only looking to take your money.

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