Health & Medical Nutrition

PH Miracle

What is the Ph Miracle? Also Called: Ph Miracle, The Ph miracle diet, alkaline acid diet The ph miracle is a diet developed by micro-biologist Robert O Young, that focuses eating to balance ph levels.
How is this done? The theory states that every cell in the human body is a product of the blood.
He states that if we can make a significant change in the quality of the blood then we can make a significant change in the quality of every human body cell.
He has spent many years studying the blood of healthy and unhealthy people.
He found that what people ate or their diet had a direct impact on the quality of the blood.
Well, the average ph of the blood is 7.
3 and according to Dr.
Young when we put food into our body that doesn't correspond with the Ph level it causes an imbalance and a build up of acid within our bodies.
The ph miracle focuses on removing the acid-build up within the body and balancing the ph of the body itself.
According to Dr.
Young, this build up of acid is a precursor to literally every disease that we know of today! From cancer, on down to acid reflux, everything is caused by our body storing acid.
The term for this is "acidosis".
This diet literally takes us back in time before the invention of modern day agriculture.
The time of the hunter-gatherers where their diet was based on un-processed foods.
Our culture has caused us to move away from a diet that consists of fresh fruits and vegetables and more towards refined, processed foods that can be made and distributed in bulk.
Even the vegetables that we do eat come from over-used fields where the ground has been stripped of all its natural nutrients and then sprayed with pesticides to keep the farmers making the most for their crops.
According to Dr.
Young, this paradigm shift in how we eat/produce our food is what has caused us to become overly acidic.
Now more than ever, he says that we need the ph miracle.
Diseases like prostate and breast cancer are growing in leaps and bounds in recent years.
Not to mention the problem with obesity.
Young states that the cure for these and many other diseases can be found in the Ph miracle diet.

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