Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

Don" t Send Your Pet To Jail When You Go On Vacation - Tips For Keeping Your Pet Healthy And Happy

When the Smith family went on vacation last summer, they left Ralph the cat and Maxine the dog at home. A friend stopped by each day to replenish their food and water and spend a little play time with them. One would think the pets would have faired just fine, but that was not the case.

For days Ralph continuously meowed at the door while Maxine moped in the garage waiting for the car to arrive, unable to understand why their owners weren't responding. By the time the Smiths finally returned, Ralph had hardly any voice left, looked thin and unhealthy and Maxine was clingy and despondent for days.

We take steps to insure our pets are safe and fed while we're away, but sadly their emotional needs are left to chance. Even leaving your pet with an expensive boarding kennel can be like going to jail from your pet's perspective.

Meanwhile, you are so worried about your pet back home that you can hardly enjoy your trip. It can spoil a long awaited vacation or hamper your effectiveness on a business trip.

Here are some ways you can leave your pet in good hands while feeling confident he or she is having just as much fun as you are.

* See to it that whoever it taking care of your pet also takes time to pet, play with, and walk your pet. Pets need love just as much as they need food and water. Sure, the caretaker isn't the same as you, but pets enjoy affection from almost anyone who takes a sincere interest in them.

* Check in advance that the location keeping your pet is safe. Fences should be secure and your pet shouldn't be in the same area as other animals who could harm him or her.

* Plan to call or email your pet's caretaker while you're away. Just hearing how your pet is doing can take a load off your mind and relieve stress you feel over your absence.

In recent years pet day camps have started to appear around the country. These services, operated by devoted professionals, gives your pet pampered care and treatment while you are away. Care not only meets the nutritional and safety needs of your pet, but caretakers pet, play, and even teach your pet new skills.

Pets can sometimes be boarded with specially trained host families. Such services can let you leave your pet in a "home like" environment complete with all the fun and love a caring family can give.

Why should your pet go to jail when you go on vacation? By following these simple tips, you can ensure your pet is safe, well taken care of, and has just as much fun as you do.

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