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Where to find local ingredients for a Michigan Thanksgiving Dinner

Want to make it a really special Thanksgiving this year? Why not source your holiday dinner from our great state of Michigan! Although not commonly known, Michigan produces 100% of the items on a traditional Thanksgiving table and can provide a delicious way to celebrate both the occasion and the state. For those wishing to truly celebrate Michigan and Thanksgiving, check out where to find the turkey, cranberries and other ingredients to make a Michigan-Made Thanksgiving Dinner:

Michigan Turkeys

Even in the Metro Detroit area, local farmers produce organic, free-range, heirloom turkeys. Although two-to-three times as expensive as commercially available supermarket birds, the differences are considerable. Higher in omega-3 fatty acids, juicier and more flavorful, and with a firmer, less mushy texture, these birds are prized by foodies everywhere as the star of the Thanksgiving table.

Hartland: Hartland Farms

Livonia: Roperti’s Turkey Farm is family-owned and has been in operation since 1948.

Marcelona: Duerksen Turkey Farm has been located in Mancelona since the 1940’s. 

Middleville: Ottos Turkey Farm is Michigan’s only historic turkey farm. It has been operated in Middleville by the same family since 1846. 

Cranberry Sauce 

Michigan soil is uniquely perfect for growing cranberries, and several farms are open to the public. Making cranberry sauce in your own kitchen is very simple and worth the effort, resulting in a fabulous fragrance and a product rich in anti-oxidants, vitamin C, and fiber.

Follow these links for recipes.

Marlette: Michigan Cranberry Company

Paradise: Centennial Cranberry Farm was established in 1876.

Rolls and Dressing

Artisanal bread produced by local bakeries makes a sometimes boring side dish into one that’s really special. Sourdough, rye, pumpernickel and seeded breads offer a different taste for both rolls and as the base of homemade dressing. Check out the products offered by these Michigan companies.

Ann Arbor: Zingermans

Detroit: Avalon Bakery

Holt: Stone Circle

Traverse City: Pleasanton Bakery

Fresh and Dried Herbs

Michigan is a leading producer of herbs, providing sage for dressing and thyme for the turkey. The following farms are open to the public and offer herbs for sale.

Battle Creek: Southern Exposure Herb Farm

Mason: Wooden Shoe Herb Farm

White Lake: Heavenly Scent Herb Farm

Dairy Products

From butter-drenched rolls to the whipped cream on a slice of pumpkin pie, Michigan has an abundance of local organic free-range dairy farms, offering richer, healthier and better-tasting dairy products. These products are usually available at the farms and select stores.

Henderson: Thomas Organic Creamery

Nashville: MOO-ville Quality Creamery

For more dairy barn listings, check out Tasting and Touring Michigan.


Michigan is a major producer of celery, onions, potatoes, corn, green beans, pumpkins and squash, making it simple to eat locally while keeping with Thanksgiving traditions. Although not a major producer of sweet potatoes, they can be found at local farmer’s markets. At this time of year, most of the smaller markets are closed by the end of October but there are still a few to choose from.

Detroit: Eastern Market, Local and non-local sources are available with over 250 vendors and many other products. The market is open Saturdays year-round. 

Mt. Clemens: Mt. Clemens Farmer’s Market: Local growers only, open Fridays and Saturdays 7 AM to 1 PM until November 22. 

?Royal Oak: Royal Oak Farmer’s Market. Vendors here can only sell what they grow, so you are assured of local produce. Open on Saturdays through Christmas.


No, we didn’t forget the marshmallows to top everyone’s favorite sweet potatoes. In Michigan, we have it all!

Detroit: Sweet Artisan Marshmallows provides all-natural, hand-made-in-The-D marshmallows with unusual funky flavors in addition to the plain classic. 

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