Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatments And Remedies

Hair loss treatments and remedies are mostly scams. They are no more than a concoction of products that you will find in oils and herbs that have no proven effect on balding. I fact some of these products will exacerbate the situation and may do irrevocable damage.

A leading medical journal in the US stated that based upon research many natural remedies in fact 93% of a sample size were no better than placebos and also said that some of the contents were highly poisonous - WOW!

This means that you really need to know what you are taking. It's rather like using a nicotene patch. Your body will absorb chemicals and if some of these are harmful then you really do need to be extremely careful - especially if you are pregnant.

Now rather than depress you any further - I just wanted to make you aware of some of the dangers first as with using any treatment or remedy there are ones that seem to work better in some situations than others. This is largely due to the cause of the hair loss.

Let's face it if your hair loss is due to traction alopecia (Excessive hair pulling). You are not going to need XYZ hair loss potion are you? The chances are if you have some sort of obsessive behaviour problem that's the solution!

Now if you have a problem with balding patches (assuming you are a women) then if you are 40 ish you could be having a menopausal reaction and a good HRT treatment may be your best solution.

You see hair loss can be a symptom of something more major going on in your body - so you need to try and establish what may have occurred to e causing the hair loss. Don't go buying this or that product because you think it's going to do what it says on the tin until you have exhausted all the other possible causes.

Find out some information. Read up on good web sites - there are plenty out there (many more bad ones though!) and then see your doctor to see that anything you may try is not going to harm you. Just get the facts and then act!

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