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Retrieve Data From Databases in Various Formats Using Data Converter

Because of fast pace and highly equipped environment around us, technology keep shaping continuously from one domain to other and never stop from changing itself.
A most common practice for any company is to upgrade its system or database systems at regular intervals to match the requirement of the technology or methods that are being used around them.
Same data may be used in different situations and in different formats for different tools and methodologies. For e.g. in some situations, we use CSV format for data storage and in another places we need Xml format and our data transfer and storage. For such issues and to maintain a common view point for different databases, software utilities and tools come into existence. These tools and utilities are known as Data Converters. These utilities are free powerful, easy to use, must have tools for users who want single viewer capable of exporting, sorting, filtering, group by and custom query execution on data coming from different data sources like Oracle, Access, MS SQL, MS Access, Pervasive, DSNs etc. and even CSV, XML,.XLS (Excel) and HTML file(s) containing exported data.Data Converter are useful for database users as well as for non-database users who have to deal with data, but in CSV, XML,.XLS (Excel) and HTML file format. Users can view data in easily readable grid format from all kinds of data sources and perform single or bulk non-database write modification(s), sorting, filtering and other useful operations and if needed export the data to excel, XML and HTML formats. These exported files can be shared with users who can view these standard files with other tools and also with Data Converter users who can not only view the file in grid format but also suggest their changes, perform sort, filtering and other operations before sending it back with their input.
This tool is very easy to use and can be used by a simple user who is not an expert in database technology but at the same time can provide advanced options to database administrators who want to see data from different data sources in one place, save their custom connections with nick names, save their frequently used queries as query snippets and perform very powerful sorting, filtering, group by and non-database write modifications and export the results in desired format which could then be shared with other users.

Data Converter is one place to view data from all kinds of databases and files (XML,.XLS (Excel), HTML and CSV). Users can perform Export, Sort, Filter, Group By and non-database write operations on the grid. The grid can read data from any data source including CSV, XML,.XLS (Excel) and HTML files.
One user can extract data from any data source and share it in CSV, XML,.XLS (Excel) and HTML format with other technical/non-technical user who can then view the data in sort able, filterable and modifiable grid format and perform their additions or changes in the data and send it back. It is a very easy way to create sample or standard data which requires inputs from different people having expertise in different fields.
All connections to different databases are saved locally in encrypted format with nick names and frequently run queries can be saved per database. These query snippets are available all times at your fingertips. They can show data from different data sources in one place so no need to go and launch several database tools to view data from different databases.
It is very easy to use. You do not need database expertise to use this tool. You can view data in grid format from CSV, XML,.XLS (Excel) and HTML file(s) and perform useful sorting, filtering operations on it without requiring any database connection. They does not require to have database, it can easily work with CSV, XML,.XLS (Excel) and HTML files and show the data in grid format where useful actions can be easily performed.

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