Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Natural Therapies for Hair Care

It is not just today that the fairer race has been considering hair as their crowning glory, rather the feeling has taken its stand since the days back in the early civilization of human society. The male population too shares the feeling though the intensity is not that strong. With the human society having set its standards for beauty and hair being a very integral part of the same, hair loss though not a life threatening issue has been causing people to take desperate measures in the area.

Hair care in such condition of tight schedule and busy lifestyle is a little difficult task for anyone be it male or a female. In such conditions people always prefer to go for ready-made prescribed medications to manage the problem of hair loss or hair fall. Medications often are not that capable of coping with the problem, rather, due to being chemically prepared have been known to cause more of negative effects than any positive on the health of the human society. Which is why human race has known quite well, that natural hair care remedies are the best medications for a problem like hair fall. Most of the natural hair care remedies that being used these days are as follows:


Henna is a natural moisturizer for the hair which is being used since the days back in olden days as a treatment for the dryness of hair. Henna is a natural herb that not only moisturizes the hair, but also provides them the much needed nourishment that often people seek through the hair care products. It is supposed to provide better results if it is socked in tea or coffee water and is left socked for the whole night and then applied in the morning.


Vinegar is a rich source of Vitamin C, it has not only been providing health benefits to the human society, but has also been used to provide a natural sheen to the hair. Vinegar being an acid is not supposed to be applied directly to the scalp, it is supposed to be used in a highly diluted form.


Curd is not only a delicious eatable, but it is also a very good natural medicine, when it comes to treating the skin or hair infections. Dandruff being a very serious problem in the present era could always be treated by applying curd on the hair. Curd has its own natural benefits, which if applied for a continuous basis on the scalp for a time being has the ability to completely treat the problem of dandruff, once and for all.

The fact is that whatever and however highly reputed the company that is offering the hair care product is, it ultimately comes down to the fact that they are all made up of chemicals and to a part of body that has already faced consequences of pollution, using chemically prepared medications for treatment do not sound like a good idea. It is thus a well known fact that the whole world has been dependent on more of the natural hair care remedies for the treatment of the problem of hair loss and hair fall.

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