Business & Finance mortgage

Mortgage Underwriter Salaries

    National Averages

    • The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that there were about 98,430 underwriters in 2009. Underwriters earned a national average salary of about $30.45 an hour or about $63,330 per year. Those in the top 10th percentile of earners made about $47.80 per hour or about $99,420 per year, while those in the lowest 10th percentile made an average of $17.13 per hour or about $35,630 per year.

    Most Common Sectors

    • The "insurance carriers" sector of the economy employed the majority of underwriters in 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The estimated 65,820 underwriters in this sector earned an average of about $30.98 a hour or about $64,440 per year. The estimated 20,400 underwriters in the second-most common sector, "agencies, brokerages and other insurance related activities," earned an average of $29.21 an hour or about $60,760 per year.

    Highest Paying Sectors

    • The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the estimated 280 underwriters in the "other financial investment activities" sector of the economy had the highest average salaries out of all sectors in 2009, earning an average of $35.99 an hour or about $74,860 per year. Those in the second-highest paying sector, "management, scientific and technical consulting services," earned an average of about $34.32 an hour or about $71,390 per year.

    Geographic Differences

    • Underwriters in Connecticut, New York. New Jersey, Rhode Island and Massachusetts had the highest average salaries out of all states in 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Underwriters in the state with the highest average salaries, Connecticut, earned an average of $36.88 per hour or about $76,700 per year. Those in the fifth-highest paying state, Massachusetts, earned an average salary of about $33.51 an hour or about $69,710 per year.

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