Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Build a Home Chicken Coop, the No Fuss Answer to Providing Great Chicken Accommodation

You are especially keen to keep chickens in your backyard but are not really sure what would be the best way to go about housing them.
Have you ever considered that you could build a home chicken coop? It really is such a simple and easily achievable thing to do and it will give you complete peace of mind knowing that your chickens will be warm, dry and safe from predators and all because you decided to give them quality housing.
Keeping chickens has really become very popular recently and has seen a huge surge in interest worldwide.
Because of this there has never been a more exciting time to be able to cater for your chickens very specific housing requirements with the minimum of fuss.
The amount of information available is phenomenal and if you really take the time to research you will get the desired quality product that you are 100% happy with, all at the touch of a button.
To build your chickens accommodation really is the perfect solution, you can have total control from the initial planning stages right through to the finished end product knowing that you have produced housing that is more than adequate for your chicken's needs.
The fact that you have been able to provide enough lighting and ventilation for a start and also take into consideration the number of ramps, walkways and perches to keep them happy and stimulated and of course warm, cosy bed boxes for them to feel secure and comfortable in at night.
You could of course buy a readymade coop but, consider this, they are generally very expensive to buy and what exactly is it that you are paying for with a readymade coop? It certainly is not the amount of materials involved in the construction because, if you purchased the same amount of materials yourself it would cost a fraction of the price.
You are in fact paying for somebody elses time in having measured and cut the timber and as most readymade coops are mass produced, the cutting has been done by machine and no real time has gone into the process, so it really does not represent good value for money.
Also, because they come flat packed you are going to have to assemble it yourself anyway and then you may find parts are damaged or worse still, missing.
So, by sourcing your own quality materials from either your local or most reputable DIY store you can be sure that you are getting exactly what you pay for with no waste and a chicken coop that you can rightly be proud of.
You can ensure that, when constructing the coop that you will also take into consideration your own needs with regard to being able to collect your chicken eggs easily and carefully with minimum disruption to your hens and also importantly, that you can keep on top of hygiene by making it as simple as possible to deal with their waste so that you can remove it quickly and efficiently with no fuss.
It really does make sound economical sense to build a home chicken coop.
You can be very sure that you have the sort of accommodation that your chickens will be safe and secure in and knowing that you have given yourself the best possible value for money in the low cost, durable housing that you have provided.
After all, why compromise on your poultry housing when you have no need to?

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