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The Advantages of Raising Rabbits For Meat

A simple and efficient way for providing meat for the family is to consider the option of raising rabbits for meat. The meat of a rabbit is not only delicious but also very good for the well being of a person.

Since rabbit meat is white meat, it contains a lot of protein , and in addition to this, rabbit meat has less fat when compared to that of pork, beef or chicken meat. Above all, raising rabbits is much easier when compared to raising a pig or a cow. Rabbits can easily be raised in the backyard, even in big cities.

Rabbits are known to be very efficient since they are known to give about 6 lbs of rabbit meat for the same feed that a cow may give about 1 lb of meat. Also, rabbit milk is very nutritious which aids baby rabbits to grow quickly. In 10 or 12 weeks, a rabbit is ready to be butchered.

There are certain breeds of meat rabbits. Meat rabbits are usually large and weigh about 10 pounds when they are mature. The well known rabbit breeds for meat are Californian and New Zealand. However, there are a few other breeds which are raised for their meat.

While raising rabbits for meat, they are generally fed with pellets. Pellets are made up of alfalfa as well as grains like barley, wheat, oats, etc. Fresh water should be provided to them every time. The quantity to be fed to the rabbits should be known since overfeeding could lead to problems while kindling.

Also while raising rabbits for meat, they need to be housed in hutches or cages that are off ground level. Also ensure that the rabbits are well protected from rain, winds and predators. Also provide adequate ventilation.

For breeding, it is necessary for the buck to be about seven months old and the doe to be five or six months old. The gestation period is for 31 or 32 days. Few days prior to the due date, supply the doe with a nest box.

10 to 12 weeks after a rabbit is born, it can be butchered. In case you do not know how to butcher a rabbit, you can refer to articles, websites and books on this subject. They will give you detailed explanations on how this can be done.

The main advantage of raising meat rabbits is that you know exactly the feed given to them, which in turn gives you a clear idea of what you are eating. Raising rabbits will prove to be a rewarding experience if it is done properly.

Find out more about why and how raising rabbits for meat can be very rewarding.

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