Technology Technology

Surveillance Technology: Simple Uses

Surveillance technology brings to mind old-fashioned heist movies, where the bank robbers are able to get away because the ever watchful, security officer is dosing behind a row of monitors. We think of the cameras in the bank, the grocery and department stores even those surveying traffic stops. Rarely do we think of using simple surveillance technology to monitor our own homes.

How many times have you been busy in the back room of your home and have heard the doorbell ring? Stopping what your doing to walk all the way to the front door only to realize it was the post man quickly buzzing to inform you of a package. There is no one left standing on your porch and the package waiting there for you could have sat there safely until you finished your task at the other end of the house?

Perhaps a more common scenario to consider, and an even more important one, is the times you have had someone at the door but were unsure of their identity and whether it was safe to open the door to them. Peeking through a tiny hole to try to place an individuals face can be difficult. Using the gap created by a deadbolt is just as dangerous as opening the door to the stranger.

Both of these scenarios are reason enough to consider investing in surveillance technology on your front porch or front door. Having a small camera rigged to survey your front door traffic is an easy way to cut down on hassle and increase safety. With the quality of the image created by these cameras becoming increasingly clearer, there has never been a better time to enjoy the convenience.

For example, if you work from home and are usually in the back of the house during the day, you could have a monitor set up in your office. It would allow you to easily see what is happening in your front yard, porch or front door. The next time the postman rings the doorbell and dashes off; you can stay comfortably seated at your desk, finishing more important work before walking to the porch to retrieve a package.

Likewise, the camera monitoring your door can give you peace of mind that you are safe when home alone. When the doorbell rings, you can make the decision to open the door by quickly checking the image of the person on the screen. No one you know and not expecting company? You won't have to answer it. If your children are with the babysitter and you don't want to worry about them, watch the images of the front door from the convenience of the Internet.

There are many uses for surveillance technology. Many times we think of all of the high-tech business uses for the equipment and forget the many conveniences received when we set it up at home. Talk to a specialist to see if you can put these technologies to use at your house.

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