Health & Medical Mental Health

Ideal Diet for ADHD: A Natural and Sustainable Health Solution for Children and Adults

Recent clinical findings have shown that prescription pills for ADHD management can cause a long list of side effects such as stunted growth, hallucinations, anxiety, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems, heart problems and chromosome damage (which opens the door to cancer).
Hence, there is a shift to the natural approach to ADHD intervention today, and one of them is changing the diets of people with ADHD.
What is the best diet for ADHD? Diet plays a crucial role in alleviating the symptoms and in the treatment of ADHD; however, there is no single diet that will work for all.
This is because ADHD is a spectrum disorder.
Every person who has it is biologically unique and needs individualized treatment intervention.
Perhaps the right question should be what is the diet that would best suit your loved one who has ADHD? Children and adults with ADHD are observed to have nutrient deficiencies; they have low levels of zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron and fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) in the body.
Certain foods such as sugar, caffeine, carbohydrates, wheat, dairy and food additives are observed to worsen the disorder.
It has been found that the most effective diet for ADHD has two components: the supplementation of nutrient deficiencies and the avoidance of foods that exacerbate the symptoms of ADHD.
Prior to trying out any kind of diet for ADHD it is advised that one needs to consult a medical doctor first to insure that the diet plan is ideal for one's specific health condition.
Elimination of foods No food is proven to cause ADHD; however, studies have shown that certain foods can worsen the symptoms of ADHD, for example food additives (artificial coloring, artificial sweetener and artificial preservatives) because they trigger allergies and increase the manifestations of ADHD.
Organophosphate, which is commonly found in non-organically grown vegetables and fruits, also causes short-term memory problems, behavioral changes and affects brain development.
Hence, people with ADHD are advised to eat organic or home grown vegetables only and resist eating foods that have synthetic ingredients and preservatives.
Elimination diets that are commonly used by people with ADHD are the gluten free diet (no carbohydrates from wheat), Feingold diet (no additives diet) and Casein free diet (no protein from milk products).
Supplementary Diet An ideal supplementary diet for ADHD is one that is loaded with vegetables, legumes and fruits.
This is because these plants are rich in polyphenols.
Polyphenol is not only beneficial in fighting and treating cancer, it enhances the brain cognition, memory and over all functioning.
The Mediterranean Diet is known to promote longevity, but it is the best brain diet too.
It is therefore, an ideal supplementary diet for ADHD.
However, children can be picky eaters and people's fast paced lifestyle makes it impossible to prepare home cooked meals all the time.
To bridge the gap for dietary deficiency people with ADHD will benefit a lot if they also take homeopathic ADHD supplements.
Such supplements are rich in omega 3, iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc.
Studies have shown that people with ADHD benefit a lot when they take homeopathic ADHD pills.

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