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Free Legal Documents Concerning Arizona Criminal Reports

Necessary background checks are meticulously undertaken by employers towards hiring potential workers and staff members. This is done to mitigate and possibly avert any hazard that might arise in the workplace. Not performing such duties can cause serious repercussions that can tarnish a company's image and integrity. This need can be sufficiently filled by examining a candidate's criminal records under the microscope, as these documents gather a person's records of arrests and other encounters with the Law, from minor traffic violations and misdemeanors to the most heinous crimes.

Criminal records are also useful in the background checking of volunteer child care workers, candidates for public office, and the issuance of licenses and accreditations for professionals.

In observance of the Arizona Revised Statute 41-1750, all criminal records of all persons arrested within the State of Arizona are stored, updated, protected and distributed by the Criminal History Records Section, a branch of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. The records of the date of the arrest, and the crime(s) charged against a person arrested in Arizona, can only be accessed by the person whose name is in the record, the concerned law enforcement agency, the Federal Government, and other duly authorized individuals, agencies and companies.

Requesting a copy of your own Arizona criminal records for whatever intentions involves a hassle-free process. First, contact or make an appointment to the Department of Public Safety and make a request for a records review packet. The contents of this packet, such as the necessary instructions, a pre-addressed return envelope, a contact information sheet, and a blank fingerprint card are things you will need for the entire process. Affix your full name and complete mailing address upon making the request so that the records review packet can be delivered to you. Complete the required fields in the contact information sheet. Some of the required details are your full name, address, and your Social Security number. A full set of fingerprints must be etched in the attached fingerprint card to produce more accurate results to positively identify the person who made the request. Fingerprinting services are offered by the local law enforcement office near you for a minimal amount, or via independent companies that
offer fingerprinting services. Finally, send all of these accomplished forms to the address stated in the envelope provided by the records review packet. Requests are processed within 15 days upon their receipt. This service offered by the Department of Public Safety is free of charge.

An audit of no criminal records will be issued to you if you have never been arrested or charged with a crime in Arizona. Furthermore, you can report any wrong entries in your criminal record by completing the Review and Challenge of Arizona Criminal History Record Information form that is sent along with your criminal record. Indicate the specific entries with erroneous information in them and explain in writing why you are questioning such charges. A response will be sent by the said department within 15 days.

Public Criminal Records [] are important for employers to look upon especially if established in places with high crime rates. The faster it can be procured, the better. By harnessing the power of the Internet, such demands can be met by obtaining these documents online via records retrieval solutions. One can absolutely get a hold of results within minutes by performing a quick search in their database. This modern alternative is especially useful for urgent situations.

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