Business & Finance Debt

Things to Look For When Considering Credit Card Debt Consolidation

If you have bad credit and know it (after you have gotten your credit report to see exactly HOW bad), there are tons of services that purport to help you.
Some are good and some are bad.
Don't jump immediately to bankruptcy sites.
Bankruptcy is a very complex issue and stays on the public record forever.
It restricts your choices in paying your bills, and, contrary to common belief, it does not necessarily protect your home.
Some companies promise to clean up your credit.
Don't go for this.
You can just as well do that yourself.
Legitimate negative credit entries cannot be removed, despite the claims of some services.
Credit card debt counseling may be a good first step for you.
You need to find a good non-profit agency (there are many government agencies that do this).
They should either be free or low cost.
If they are required to be licensed in your state, make sure they are, indeed, licensed.
They can consolidate your credit card debt and direct you to pay one manageable sum each month and they dole the funds out to your creditors.
Also beware of companies that "guarantee" you a loan and charge an upfront fee.
This is often illegal--legitimate companies will never "guarantee" a loan.
In many states upfront fees are illegal.
A really effective alternative is to "settle" your debts with creditors.
This allows you to pay them 30-70% of the balances and negotiate your way out of trouble.
A good program like this, tells you exactly how to communicate with your creditors at each state of the delinquency.
It tells you how to cope with the endless phone calls and how tough to be at what point in the negotiations.

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