Law & Legal & Attorney Traffic Law

Montana ATV Traffic Laws

    • ATVs can be extremely dangerous for young children.atv airborne image by MAXFX from

      The state of Montana allows individuals to use ATVs on public roads, according to the United States Forest Service. Following Montana ATV traffic laws will help you prevent fines while staying safe at the same time. Adults should supervise children closely when riding ATVs because in 2010 there have been more than 50 reported child deaths in ATV-related accidents, according to Concerned Families for ATV Safety.

    Title & Registration

    New Residents

    • Individuals who move to Montana must apply for a Montana vehicle title for their ATV and register their vehicles within 60 days of establishing residency, according to the Montana Department of Justice. Even if an individual has a title for her ATV in another state, she must obtain a new title from the Montana Department of Motor Vehicles.

    Military Employees


    • Nonresidents of Montana who are employed in Montana must present their current out-of-state vehicle registration to the county treasurer's office and register their vehicle in Montana, according to the Montana Department of Justice. Nonresidents must pay registration and tax fees for the state of Montana. Nonresidents can choose to pay their registration for a whole year or quarterly. Nonresidents must display their license plate from their home state and their license plate from the state of Montana on their ATV at all times.


    Safety Hemlets

    Double Riding

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