Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

20 Common Problems of Reiki


Reiki is known to heal people's injuries, stress and tension; it adds up to person's health and lifestyle; but what looks good might not be the same always. In this case too Reiki might have leveraged the common mass but it also brings with itself a number of dangers or better said problems which one might come across during or after a Reiki session. Such problems are unbalanced symbols and initially this problem didn't come up; in traditional Reiki no such symbols were put into use; these symbols have found their existence only with western Reiki. In addition to this, Reiki only helps when the person trusts the practitioner and knows about his illness. It also brings with itself negative energy and entity attachments and at times, it is difficult to deal with these entities- for the practitioners as well as for the clients. Worst of all, this negative energy gets intensified with an increase in the level of transmission i.e. from teacher to student; so this energy keeps on getting multiplied until and unless it is detected and erased. We have a belief that healers take the pain away by letting it vanish but sometimes even the healers get caught by the same. We can learn all these problems through Reiki Classes in Delhi.

  • Unbalanced Reiki Symbols bring in external energies.
  • Opening of people's chakras to their auric shield of protection sometimes leads to implosion and explosion of energies.
  • Reiki only empowers the person who receives the initiation, implies it's important for everyone to realize on their own what illness they have and how can they manage to pass it, but because every person cannot manage it, as a result these people get corrupted.
  • One can only get benefitted from Reiki if he trusts the practitioner completely.
  • It is just a tool to heal people, there is no guarantee of its successful application.
  • It is not necessary that every Reiki practitioner is doing Reiki, he might not do just Reiki and include it with some other methodologies. They won't tell you until you ask which method they are applying on you.
  • Reiki Symbols being balanced too might not match your energy profile as a result you don't get rightly cured.
  • Sometimes problem might come up with issues in Reiki lines when all other things are going pretty well.
  • There should be no chance of the fact that the motivations of the healer are impure, because if that happens, Reiki won't work.
  • If the Reiki line with the teacher is corrupt, it will get followed by the students as well and the intensity of corruption will get increased by each level.
  • Most of other practices have guide-student relationship but Reiki has teacher-student relationship which provides harm to the practice.
  •  The healer might have an etheric alien or vampire in him which will cause harm to you or get into you if you get Reiki by him.
  • Many energy workers might have negative entities possessed in them.
  • One might feel dizzy and sick after a spiritual attack by a Reiki master which can lead to the existence of bad energy around you.
  • If most of the symbols being used are asymmetric then they will create more unbalance than balance.
  • All the symbols, whether good or bad limit the energies of the person, hence they should not be used at all (the original Reiki had no symbols at all, all the symbols were developed with the introduction of western Reiki).
  • A Reiki symbol imparts a one way symbol to the chakras which makes them lose their balance as ideally they spin in both the directions with the same speed.
  • Reiki if practiced creates a dependency on the practitioner; this loss in the independence might be harmful in case of an emergency.
  • If it can be used for someone's good, it can also be used to hurt someone.
  • Sometimes healers end up with some illness or entity attachments when the session gets accomplished.

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