RAC Route Planning
- 1). RAC route planning is available on the rac.co.uk website. Choose the tab marked 'Plan a Trip' on the home page to begin.
- 2). Enter a start point, choosing the country of origin. Then enter a destination, choosing a country.
The RAC route planner for Europe covers the UK, Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine.
More exotic destinations with available routes are China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Indonesia and Malaysia.
The USA, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico and Canada are also available for route planning.
Postcodes can be substituted for location names, which makes for quicker data input that can be more precise. - 3). Choose one or more via points if necessary. The route planner will create a route taking in the quickest way to get from the start point to via point to destination without having to fill in details more than once.
- 4). Use the advanced search options to get the shortest route, if that's what you prefer to take. The default is the quickest route, for example, using a motorway may be faster instead of a quiet country road, despite traveling less distance on the country road. Interactive maps are set as defaults, but you can choose simple maps for a less complex view.
- 5). Confirm your selection, if necessary, by choosing the correctly located start point or destination. For example, Lexington, Kentucky instead of Lexington, Tennessee.
- 6). Choose to view a map version of your route or a step-by-step version of the route. The route planner will detail every turn, intersection and road number for you along with estimated travel times on each stretch of highway. Print your route for easy reference.