Blonde Gag Gifts
- Have some fun with your blonde friend.surfeuse blonde image by bacalao from
Want to a have a little fun with your blonde friend on her birthday? Whether she is an airhead or a scientist at NASA, there are a number of fun and humorous gifts you can get to make even the brightest blonde feel a bit dim. - If you've a got a blonde friend who falls into the crafty category, a tape measure is a necessary tool for her to use. Poke some fun with a tape measure specifically designed for blondes. The Dumb Blonde's Tape Measure is marked not with numbers but by symbols. 1 foot is simply a picture of a foot. 1 foot 6 inches shows 1 one-and-a-half feet. 2 feet shows 2 feet. And so on. says, "The Dumb Blonde Tape Measure is so funny, we bet it'll even make blondes laugh. (If they don't, they probably don't get the joke.)"
- Help your blonde friend prove the masses wrong by getting her a T-shirt that tells it how it is: "Blondes Our Smart Two." If she doesn't have a careful eye, she might even miss the clever misspelling, which could accidentally reinforce a stereotype while trying to debunk it.
- Are your friend's blonde locks are a little less than legit? Get her a T-shirt that clears her reputation: "Not a Dumb Blonde--I'm Really a Brunette." says, "For the brunette who likes to be blonde sometimes, or maybe all the time, this tee brings her back to her roots."