Technology Computer & Networking security

How to Update Virus Protection

    • 1). Find out whether you have antivirus software installed. Go to the Start Menu and look through the "Programs" section for Symantec or McAfee, the two most popular antivirus programs that are usually included with any newly purchased computer. If you don't see either of them then you may have a different software package, or none.

    • 2). If necessary, you can purchase the Symantec or McAfee software or download a trusted, free antivirus such as Avast! antivirus,.

    • 3). Launch the antivirus software from the Start Menu.

    • 4). Locate a tab, page, or button labeled "Update." The option may be in a menu at the top of the program window.

    • 5). Click on "Update." The antivirus software will automatically connect to the internet to download the latest virus protection.

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