Health & Medical Lose Weight

Top 6 Weight Loss Pills

Pills and other supplements have become a growing solution nowadays to help in weight loss. A lot of new weight loss pills are available in the market with some that work and others that don't. However, some of the top pills that have been scientifically proven to reduce weight are not commonly heard of. They are as follows:

1. Whey Protein. - Commonly used for building muscle, whey protein suppresses appetite which helps one to eat less. It is basically an easy digestible form of protein which contains has high levels of amino acid cysteine. Gaining muscle while losing weight is also an added advantage

2. Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). - This is a salt that is gotten from the rind of dried fruit of the Garcinia Cambodia and the brindal berry which are Southeast Asian plants. It is also used to treat stomach and joint problems affecting the body. The Hydroxycitric extract from the fruit helps to reduce weight loss through three main methods which are; burning fat, blocking fat and reducing appetite.

3. Chitosan. - This is a fiber that originates from chitin. Chitin is the main component in the shells of crustaceans and insects. Wholist practitioners normally recommend it to aid in the reducing of cholesterol and marketers promote it as dietary fiber that helps in the absorption of fat.

4. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) - It is among the omega 3 fatty acids and healthy fats which are helpful in various things like heart health and brain health. CLA specifically aids in weight loss and and has some benefits to reducing risk of acquiring cancer. It is mostly found in dairy and beef products, which means that vegetarian are some of the people who miss out on it. Currently, you have to take its supplement of the product of which most are derived from safflower oil. CLA has becoming increasingly popular for reducing body fat, however, scientific evidence for this is a bit mixed up especially on humans.

5. Glucomannan. - It is a fiber that is derived from an Asian plant called Konjac and considered very effective for controlling diabetes and blood sugar levels and also has additional properties that help in weight loss. Researchers have greatly supported its role as a treatment for obesity and its fiber helps to absorb water in the digestive tract which then reduces cholesterol and absorption of carbohydrates. It is available in food source in either baked, fried or as a candy.

6. Mango Seed Fiber. - This is a traditional African weight loss solution and also commonly used there as a natural antibiotic and pain reliever. It is gaining a lot of popularity and one can take it alone or take it with other Dietary supplements.

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