Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

Express Entry Immigration To 0217 Computer And Information Systems Professionals

Citizenship and Immigration Canada has introduced a new skilled immigration selection process which we call as Express Entry System. Persons who get immigrated to Canada can stay and work there as permanent resident and can avail almost all the facilities which are available to the residents of Canada.

According to National Occupational Qualification the code 217 is for the Computer and information systems professionals. This group is again divided into five categories. The first one with code 2171 includes Information systems analyst and consultants. They analyze systems requirements. They develop and implement information systems development plans, procedures and policies. Based on that, they provide advice on information system issues. The information technology consulting firms can employ them or they can work in information technology units throughout the public and private sectors. They may be self- employed. They require bachelor's degree in computer system engineering, computer science, business administration or any related discipline. Usually the completion of the college program and experience as a college programmer is necessary. Training and certification which are provided by software vendors may be required for some employs.

With the code 2172 Database analysts and data administrators are those professionals who designs, develops and administer data management solutions using database management software. They implements data administration policy, models and standards. These professionals are employed in information technology units and in information technology consulting firms throughout the public and private sectors. To work as a Database analyst a bachelor's degree in computer science or in mathematics is needed or one usually requires the completion of college program in computer science and experience in Computer programming.

Software engineers and designers are the third category with a code number 2173. They research, evaluate, integrate, design and maintain software applications, operating systems, technical environments, information warehouses, embedded software and telecommunications software. The information technology consulting firms, information technology units throughout the public and private sectors and information technology research and development firms can hire them as employees or they may work as self – employee. They require bachelor's or masters degree, licensing by provincial or territorial association and experience as a computer programmer.

Computer programmers and interactive media developers are the fourth category having code 2174.These professionals write, integrate, modify and test computer code for microcomputer and mainframe software applications, operating systems- level software, data processing applications and communications software. These professionals are employed in information technology consulting firms, computer software development firms and in information technology units throughout the public and private sectors. They require bachelor's degree in computer science or another discipline with significant programming component and in special case specific pos – secondary study or experience.

The last category with code 2175is of web designers and developers who develops, research, design and produce internet and intranet sites. They are employed in information technology consulting firms, computer software developing firms and information technology units throughout the public and private sectors. A bachelor degree in computer science, communication or business is required for these jobs with experience. 

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