Home & Garden Home Improvement

Electronic Air Purifiers - Facts For The Buyer

With pollution levels rising and the number of people suffering from allergies increasing new technologies have arisen that allow us to purify the air in our homes.
Air purification systems range in effectiveness and price.
If you or someone in your family suffers from an allergy or breathing disorder it is important to look at ways that you can help these conditions.
In the past you may have only been able to try and keep your house regularly dusted as a way to cut down on allergens in the air.
This was never very affective.
Thankfully air purifiers have been created, the best being the electrostatic or electronic air purifiers.
Electronic air purifiers are a safe way to keep the air in your house particle free.
This type of air purifier does not rely on traditional filtration, but uses the principles of electrostatics to remove particles.
Air passes through the purifier and particles within it are given a charge.
These charged particles are then attracted to collection plates, which have an opposite charge, so the particles are drawn onto the plates.
This is an extremely effective method of removing unwanted allergens and particles from the air.
Below we have listed some advantages and disadvantages of electronic air purifiers to help you.
Advantages of Electronic Air Purifiers 1) They are very silent and therefore much easier to live with.
If you have one in your house it will be easier to leave on all the time as you will not notice the noise.
2) The electronic cleaning cell ionizes microscopic dust particles and is effective and trapping a wide range of allergens on the collection rods.
3) Electronic air purifiers do not use filters to collect the contaminants.
This means that there is nothing to replace on a regular basis.
4) They only use limited electricity and do not need any special wiring to install.
Disadvantages of Electronic Air Purifiers 1) Electronic Air Purifiers can be quite expensive.
It is important to spend as much as you can afford on the system as the cheaper models will not be very good.
2) You will need to regularly clean the collection plates otherwise the electronic air purifier will not be as effective.
This is quite a simple process, but still needs to be done on a regular basis.
3) If you have to go for a cheaper model then these will not be as effective and may be noisy.
Hopefully this has given you some insight into how electronic air purifiers work and the benefit they could potentially bring to your life.
It is important to take your time when choosing which model to buy.
Decide what your budget is and how serious your problems are, as this will help you decide what system to buy.
Once you have an electronic air purifier installed in your home you will reap the benefit.

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