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Camping Activities for Babies

    Off Road Driving

    • Build a miniature off-road track in the dirt and bring along your babies plastic monster trucks. You can race the trucks through the course, fly off jumps and sink in miniature mud holes as you make your way to the finish line. This game allows the parent to play with the baby and allow her to become comfortable with the new environment. Other campers are also likely to get involved and play with the trucks. The more intricate the course the more likely others will want to play.

    Go for a Hike

    • You can strap your baby into a backpack carrier and head out for a hike. Take frequent breaks to let your baby play in different environments and stay hydrated. Stop in soft grassy areas, along a creek or in the sand. The combination of fresh air and sunshine will wear out the baby and reduce the amount of afternoon crying. You can both feel good and take a long nap afterwards.

    Chase Insects

    • Many babies will find insects to be fascinating. Attempt to capture butterflies, dragonflies, glow bugs and anything else that does not bite. You can place the insects in a jar and let your toddler look them over. Use a lightweight net for catching insects and encourage the baby to participate by holding the net handle together while catching bugs.

    Allow Supervised Exploration

    • Allow your baby to explore while camping. Babies are going to be curious about the new smells and natural materials. The babies will also be curious about squirrels and other wildlife. Allow the baby to roam around the campsite and explore the new area but never let the child out of your sight. Also be weary of broken glass and other dangerous items if you are camping in a well used area.

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