Travel & Places Mexico

Visit a stunning canyon in Mexico

Cañon del Sumidero:

The Sumidero Canyon is a spectacular natural wonder located in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas, between the capital city, Tuxtla de Gutierrez, and Chiapa de Corzo. The canyon was declared a national park in 1980. The Grijalva River runs through the canyon. The steep walls create stunning views, and the area's abundant vegetation and wildlife make it a must-see on a visit to Chiapas.

Also read: Mexico's Top 10 Natural Wonders

The Canyon's History

There are some archaeological remains that show that the area around the canyon was inhabited in ancient times. it is said that during the conquest the canyon was a refuge for the local Chiapanecan people to hide from the Spaniards, and according to legend, they preferred to jump to their deaths rather than submit to the conquistadors.

In 1980 the Chicoasen hydroelectric dam, officially the Manuel Morreno Torres dam, was completed, which flooded the canyon allowing it to be traversed by boat - prior to that the water level in the canyon had been variable. It was during that same year that the Mexican federal government declared the national park, to protect what was left of the natural species and archaeological vestiges. The national park comprises  21,789 hectares of land.


The Sumidero Canyon National Park is home to over 800 thousand species of flora and aquatic and terrestrial fauna, with many species of birds as well as populations of spider monkey, mammals, reptiles, fish and butterflies.

Lookout Points

You can enjoy views of the canyon from lookout points within the Parque Nacional Cañon del Sumidero. There are five "miradores" (lookout points) at different elevations and locations along the canyon so you can enjoy a variety of views. The entrance to the park is reached by heading north from Tuxtla Gutierrez. There is a charge of 28 pesos per person to enter the park. You can visit the park in a private vehicle, or take a tour offered by tour companies in Tuxtla, Chiapa de Corzo or San Cristobal de las Casas.

Sumidero Canyon Boat Trip

Besides seeing the canyon from above, you can also take a boat tour that runs the length of the canyon, some 35 km from the Belisario Domínguez Bridge to the hydroelectric dam, and back again, for a total of 70 km. This boat tour takes about two hours and gives you a chance to enjoy the impressive natural beauty of the canyon, see interesting geological formations, and if you're lucky you may spot some of the local wildlife: on a visit in May 2014 we saw several spider monkeys from a distance, two crocodiles up close, and many birds. There are four different docks with boat companies who offer basically the same service, charging about 200 pesos per person for a two hour boat tour.

Trash in the Canyon and Clean-Up Efforts

During rainy season the rains wash trash and all manner of detritus from the nearby cities and mountain villages down into the canyon where it can accumulate. Because of the shape of the canyon, this waste tends to collect at a certain narrow area. Sometimes, particularly near the end of rainy season in September and October there is so much of it it makes it difficult for the boats to navigate. Clean-up efforts are ongoing and each year several tons of trash are extracted from the canyon. Although the presence of trash in the canyon does detract from the natural beauty of the place, the sight of it serves as a potent reminder about how our consumerist habits affect the natural environment. 

See more photos of the Sumidero Canyon.

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