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Three Most Common Questions Relating To Oil Painting

Mastering the skills in oil painting can be a tough thing to do especially for beginners. But this is to be expected and should not be a cause of worry. As always, get yourself equipped with facts and research to make your experience a fun and exciting art adventure. Here are three most common questions that oil painting beginners have in mind and answers to go with them.
The first question is: What type of brushes that a beginner should use? There is no simple answer to this query. Brushes can be of a variety of sizes, shapes and brands. As a beginner, get yourself brushes of a wide range of sizes and shapes to experiment with. Once you are used to all the types of brushes, you will start to have a preference over a particular type of brush that is suitable for your painting style. Keep in mind that a good quality brush always trumps a poor quality one that easily sheds hairs.
The second question is: What is the principle behind fat over lean? An oil paint that called fat actually comes straight out of the tube, while a lean oil paint is one that is diluted or thinned using liquids like turpentine. The fat over lean principle that helps to reduce the possibility of paint cracking as it gradually dries. To avoid undesirable cracking effect, start painting using a lean oil paint with multiple layers. Only then, should you continue with using the fat oil paint.
The third question is: Must I varnish my painting once it is done? The answer would be most preferably yes, especially if you are concerned with protecting your painting from smokes, dusts and other pollutants. Failing to do so, will expose your artwork to elements in the environment that can cause yellowing or darkening of the surface of your paint work. A layer of varnish is able to protect your artwork by providing an insulating layer across the painting. Eventually, this layer can be reapplied every six months to a years period. You may need to use the service of a professional if you are inexperienced.

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