Family & Relationships Weddings

Avoiding Wedding Photography Pitfalls - 3 Tips You Should Know

When you are planning your wedding, more than likely you will have checklists of things you need to do, things you have done, things that you want and things you don't want for your wedding. Among all of the list making, many brides forget to relax and think realistically. Here we have put together a few things to help brides to stay on track with their wedding photography and keep their expectations feasible. However, we have a new checklist of things to help you in avoiding wedding photography pitfalls.

The first tip we have for avoiding wedding photography pitfalls is clarification. Many brides assume the photographer is going to capture the pictures she wants. When in reality, if you do not tell the photographer exactly what you want, he or she is not going to know. You need to make sure your photographer knows the style of photography you want used at your wedding, the important people that you want pictures of, the estimated number of photographs per style you want him or her to take and so forth.

The second tip is to have it written down. If there is something specific you want, make sure it is clearly written in the contract with your photographer. This can be specific shots, time to arrive, place to arrive and so on. If it is written down the photographer can not forget or overlook it in the heat of the moment. Refer to your contract when you are going to make any modifications. It is important that every time something on your contract is changed that you have the photographer and yourself initial the changes on both copies of the contract. This leaves little to no room for miscommunications.

Thirdly, make another checklist for the photographer. In this checklist you should put your "must have" pictures. This way you know your photographer will be taking these pictures and your photographer will know you want those specific photographs taken. You can give this list to the photographer before your wedding day or designate someone to give it to him or her on your wedding day.

Avoiding wedding photography pitfalls on your wedding day is not too difficult to do. As long as you are clear with your expectations of the photographs and the photographer and every thing is well documented, you should not have any issues. The key to avoiding the pitfalls is going to be clarity.

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