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How to Seduce a Colleague - Attract That Sexy Co-Worker You Have Been Eyeing!

Sometimes, men get attracted to the women that they work with - the women who know them very well because they have worked together for some time - but somehow, these men never have the balls to approach these women in a seductive manner.
You should never get discouraged in these situations, though, as several tactics exist that can aid you in seducing such women above all the other men.
Your quandary in getting the women you work with to go on dates with you will then no longer be a hindrance that cannot be crossed after you find out what these tactics are and how they work.
How To Seduce A Colleague - Attract That Sexy Co-Worker You Have Been Eyeing! Tactic Number One: Be intriguing.
Women happen to love emotional drama.
Therefore, if you are capable of weaving a web of emotions during your conversations with the woman in question, there will be higher chances of her getting sentimentally close to you in no time.
Slowly turn into an expert when it comes to this tactic in order to ensure that you win over any woman you want.
Tactic Number Two: Display confidence.
It would be highly essential to have great self-confidence if you want to win over a woman you work with.
Never act tense around her as she will notice this immediately and this could ruin any chances you have of winning her heart.
Tactic Number Three: Smile.
If you smile at women often enough and remember to maintain eye contact whenever you talk, you will definitely create a lasting impression on her that can help you seduce her in the near future.
Tactic Number Four: Shave yourself clean.
Keep in mind that women will never stop to take notice of you if you are hairy and unshaven.
Because of this, you need to shave yourself clean before going to work and remember to dab some sexy after shave on while you're at it.
Women happen to be extremely finicky when it comes to these things and will only get attracted to men who can carry themselves well.
Tactic Number Five: Be consistent.
This would be yet another essential point for you to follow when it comes to seducing the women you work with.
If you persist, you will succeed - it's just a question of sooner or later.
Tactic Number Six: Hang out where she does.
Does your woman of choice hang out in the break room a lot? You should, too.
This will ensure that you run into each other more and when you do, ask some informal questions regarding her weekend or just strike up any conversation with her, really.
Slowly give her the idea that you are interested having a relationship with her that goes past the business aspect and give her sufficient time to ponder on that idea.
Tactic Number Seven: Stay persistent.
If you have plans on seducing a woman that you work with, do not stop yourself.
Every man has the chance of winning over such a woman, provided the tips mentioned above are followed to a tee.

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