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“Do You Know How Smart Dieters Avoids Obesity Pitfalls That Have Trapped Others Into Binging For

€There is nothing more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge.€
Hunter S. Thompson
(An American journalist and author. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, to a middle-class family, Thompson had a turbulent youth after the death of his father left the family in poverty)
re you ready to embark with me to travel the largest pothole in a dangerous dietingjourney? So to speak! But, just before you answer €Yes', please think again. Because, you may be shocked, distressed and upset beyond your wildest imaginations. Alright?
BELIEVE IT OR NOT, it's surprisingly true that binging is characterized by marked self-pity and negative thinking. As well as work and family problems. Even, with serious consequences such as divorce and separation which begins at this stage of the addiction.
MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, at this point many reach out for help to the medical profession for the many physical ailments arising out of it. Or to the mental health specialist due to their emotional symptoms. Sad to say, often professionals fail to recognize food addiction. And they often treat the symptoms rather than the disease. This further frustrates the addict who attempts to cooperate in treatment and yet receives no benefit from that treatment. €Why?' you ask! Simply because the binging addiction has not been fully addressed.
CONSEQUENTLY, LIFE IS FALLING APART FOR THE FOOD ADDICT in the late stages of this chronic disease of food addiction. The addict just hopes that major changes will affect their life for the better; a new home, new spouse, new town. Or even a new job that holds promise that life will be better. But the old adage €building castle in the air' that we imagine ourselves never holds true. In realty nothing gets better.
A moment please, before we launch a full scale emotional war against obesity, let me give you a foretaste of what this article has to offer. Shall we?
Would you mind me to give this preview as sketchy background information orienting you, our valued reader into the article on how wise weight watcher avoids obesity pitfalls? Okay?

Here's goes

1. Emotional, Physical, Moral And Mental Deterioration'
2. Loss Of Interest In Family, Friends, Other Pursuits
3. Food Is The Main Source Of Security
4. Panic: Obsession And Compulsion Take Over'
5. Complete Defeat
Now that you have €dipped your toes in the uncharted waters or article, so to speak, you should now be ready to fast forward! Am I right to say so? You bet!

At this stage of the progression, we are deteriorating on all levels €" emotional, physical, mental and moral. Anger, irritation and resentments are with us all the time. Blame leads to unreasonable resentments against those who still remain in our lives. This may even cause radical deterioration of family relationships. Sad to say, we begin to avoid family members.
DECLINING PHYSICAL HEALTH, SELF-IMAGE, relationships and mood are typical of this stage of the disease. There are often chronic disturbances of mood involving depression, low energy and fatigue, low self-esteem, poor concentration and feelings of hopelessness.
Eventually, we lose interest in other things, as shopping, cooking, baking, dining in and dining out become our main sources of pleasure. We become so food oriented that most of our activities have to do with eating.
Do you know food addiction breeds in isolation? In fact, we even plan ways to be alone so that we can eat alone. Eating alone brings its own unique kind of comfort. Often interesting manipulations are needed to ensure being alone with our food supply. We have to manufacture activities for the family so that they will be away while we binge at home. Or we may invent ways to be off in the car by ourselves, where we can eat without comments from other family members.
At this point in the progress of the disease, food is our main frame of reference. All our living experiences are translated into food terms. When we are thirsty, we eat juicy fruits or drink sugary drinks. We feed our addiction when normal folks might drink water. When we are hot, we eat cold foods; when cold, we eat hot foods. Even sickness provides an excuse to eat.
Food addicts treat illnesses with food. All physical and emotional sensations translate to ingesting food. The one sensation which we usually do not have to deal with is normal hunger except when we are in the dieting mode. When we do feel hungry, we usually also feel panic or anxiety. Food has become our principal source of security. It has replaced god.
We are so obsessed with food that it is like being driven at knife point to get and eat our addictive substance. We are allowed no rest. We must make constant trips to get and eat our binge foods. Why do we do it? We cannot do it. We are caught up in the path of a relentless tornado and we react with terror because we know of no salvation. Binging fills every waking hour.
We give up and go insane, die or recover. Those are the only ways out. Those who know of no solution surrender to the disease and continue to eat insanely. Those who never find recovery surrender to the disease and die an early death, sometimes by suicide. Many continue in the denial and delusion of the disease, hoping for an easy way out. A fortunate few surrender, to live an abstinent life in recovery.
Would you allow me to give you a quick and concise wrap up of this article? In precise terms on how wise weight watcher avoid obesity pitfalls it could be as follows. Firstly it's the dieter's strong defense against emotional, physical, moral and mental deterioration. Plus, it could also be due to their intense interest in their family, friends and other pursuits. Not forgetting that they never conceive food being the main source of security. And the slim person has complete control of their emotions and thereby overcome panics which unchecked could lead to food obsession and compulsion. Finally they never ever give in to complete defeat at any time and any day. Does this synopsis give you a clearer picture now?
Now that what I have already told youhow wise weight watcher effectively avoid pitfalls that trapped others into hardcore binging, then let me conclude with some memorable parting words.
OVER MY 22 YEARS IN BATTLING THE WEIGHT LOSS WAR and successfully winning it, I can now honestly say these sentences are the real deal: that to change your weight, to achieve permanent weight toss, you have to be totally, consciously in charge of yourself and everything you do, think, and feel. Plus you have to use these mental controls to create the healthy "you" that you deserve to be and have. Truthfully, if you have worked through this article wellas I personally did, you are now ready to live this new life and experience the joy that will gush forth from it. This is my iron clad guarantee to you. Nothing more, nothing less! Period!
End of article.

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