Health & Medical Mental Health

Bipolar Disorders - Natural Treatment Options For Those That Are Bipolar

Understand that is perfectly normal to have ups and downs in life.
You are going to have moments when you feel like you are king of the world and moments when you feel like you are lower than pond scum.
When it affects your ability to live a normal functioning life this is what is known as manic depression or being bipolar.
If you have these feelings and still have what is known as an "inner peace" then you are okay.
So yes you feel like you are flying high, or sunk really low but on the inside you know that it is just a day and that everything will be okay in the end.
If you are feeling like you are king/queen of the world and decide that you can turn your two bedroom house into a mansion today and start ripping out walls, or that life is bad and you are so low that you do not deserve to live and start thinking of ways to end it all and then going back to the high feeling, it is time to seek professional help and find natural effective ways to help you feel better.
I would like to tell you what the symptoms are for being bipolar, but they vary greatly from person to person.
As stated above though, elaborate ideas with wild plans that they believe are possible is an indication.
For some these feelings that they are having can manifest into anger and rage or agitation and restlessness.
If you or someone you love is having episodes such as these it is time to seek help.
A few natural treatments that can help with symptoms are items that contain calming herbs.
These herbs include lavender, chamomile, passiflora incarnate and natrium sulfate to name a few.
If you are going to use these herbs it is recommended that you get them from a reputable source.
The supplement aisle at your local grocery may not be the most ideal.
You are going to want to find a local healer or natural herbal store and get your herbs from there.
These herbs are meant to help calm the nervous system and help to balance out mood and stop or decrease the frequency of mood swings.
There are other natural therapies such as psychotherapy, which has been shown to be very effective.
While psychotherapy often involves a therapists, if there is someone that you can talk to that will listen to you and help redirect you that can be beneficial as well.
The one thing that does not help a person during a manic episode is someone to feed into their feelings.
Empathy not sympathy, understand don't encourage.
Others have found ECT, or electroconvulsive therapy beneficial.
While it isn't prescription medication...
it isn't the best alternative either.
There is an 80% effectiveness rate, but the relief that it offers is only temporary and the other side effects that are associated with it can be as bad if not worse than those associated with medications.
There are natural ways for you to treat your bipolar episodes.
The problem is that no one has shown you how until now.

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